7 reviews liked by Rodd78

The opening few hours of Inscryption are legitimately fantastic. I always liked a lot of what was going on in Slay the Spire but that game is dragged down so much by its incredibly bland aesthetic that just makes me think back to playing Flash games on Newgrounds as a teenager. Inscryption takes that deckbuilder core, adds a really cool, evocative spin on it with the sacrifice mechanic, but most importantly nestles this within a deeply unsettling, intense aesthetic that really sells the whole experience on its own. There are a couple moments that didn't land perfectly for me in these opening few hours, but overall I was very excited to see where the game would head.

I'm not going to spoil any actual story content from this point, but I will be talking about mid and late-game gameplay mechanics changes. I think there are people who will be suitably put off from the whole experience once they know the direction these mechanical changes head in and may value getting to read about these ahead of time, but if knowing anything about the direction the game's mechanics head in is going to upset you then stop reading now.

At the end of these first few hours of the game Inscryption's gameplay becomes markedly worse. It turns into a trading card game, as opposed to the first section's deck-builder nature, a genre that is just a lot harder to make actually work. A part of the problem is that the sheer elegance of the game's original mechanics is hurled to the wayside as it becomes bogged down under the weight of a bunch of new mechanics, whilst constantly tuning and retuning your deck from a vast pool of cards makes for an unbelievably worse gameplay loop than what came beforehand. Arguably an even bigger part of the problem is that the aesthetic is just so much less compelling in this second part too, and the aesthetic was so much of what sold the first part of the game. Taken outside of the context of existing inside a larger whole this second part of the game is something I would consider at absolute best mediocre, and would be upset to have spent money on had something like this been expanded into a full game.

Another major mechanical shift comes later on, and this third part of the game returns to something closer to where the game was originally at. It lacks much of the earlier tension and magic, and the aesthetic is much worse too, but it acts as a fine enough diversion and has a few genuinely very enjoyable moments.

So there's one outright great section, one just barely passable section, and one third that is decent enough. So why am I not higher on the game, does this first act being so impressive not justify the latter mediocrity? A part of the problem is how disappointing the whole affair ends up being, never fully living up to the promise it shows early on. A bigger part of the problem though is what I gather is very much Daniel Mullins' schtick.

Inscryption has a lot of meta content that takes an increasingly larger presence on the game's stage. I knew this going in, as I'm sure anyone familiar with Mullins' name would be, and was curious to see it all in action. Whilst there are certainly some cute, enjoyable moments to it, especially early on in the game, so much of the meta content in this game is just shocking and weird for the sake of being shocking and weird, rather than having any actual substance to it. The whole experience just felt very hollow to me, and at its very worst the game can feel anywhere from scattered and unfocused to actually just downright childish.

It's just so frustrating because there's something wonderful in that early part of the game, and then it goes and turns into this.

Signalis tem uma gameplay decente pro que se propõe, com alguns problemas frustrantes aqui e ali. O inventario é muito pequeno e não é expandido em nenhum momento, a mira não funciona em alguns momentos pontuais e as portas travam as vezes (cansou de travar comigo com inimigos atrás de mim que me deram danos desnecessários)

As Boss Fights também são fracas, apenas curti a ultima das 3.

Contudo o jogo consegue compensar em outros pontos como a atmosfera, puzzles, backtracking, ... Tudo isso é bem acima da media. Fora a estética,, universo e historia que são um show a parte



Uma historia com altos e baixos e um final corrido
O jogo brilha na ambientação e direção de arte

A sensação foi de ter jogado horas no lixo jogando isso

É um jogo da Ubisoft com skin de Harry Potter, algumas coisas melhores outras piores, mas dentro da formula

Atomic Heart é um jogo divertido mas com muitos problemas e meio mal acabado, com bugs que irritam, level design mais ou menos, entre outros problemas. Um fps sem editor de fov no pc em 2023 é um descaso do caralho, tive que baixar um software externo pra conseguir editar. Em resumo, é uma mistura dos estilos de Bioshock e Doom, mas não tão bem executada

Exploração fraca e pouco recompensadora

Os poucos poderes que o personagem tem são sem graça e com efeitos feios

A historia é até interessante, porem o falatório interminável da luva (que nem é um personagem ruim) com o protagonista da preguiça de acompanhar

O mundo aberto talvez seja a grande falha do jogo. Além de adicionar um tempo desnecessário a campanha, o esforço que foi gasto pra desenvolver ele poderia ter sido usado pra consertar e aprimorar o resto do jogo.

Apesar de tudo isso, uma gameplay ok somados a carismática parte artística do jogo (ambientação, trilha sonora, designs...) e a alguns momentos específicos muito bons, resultam em um bom jogo, mas que poderia ser muito mais.

Vale ressaltar também que o jogo está muito bem otimizado principalmente pros padrões e não abusa de puzzles, que no geral são bem diferentes um dos outros e rápidos.