10 reviews liked by Romaguera

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

Math, but with EVERYTHING. I've made like a billion Sharknado movies. And I've made death. It's fun for a while, but then it gets hard to make new things so it's boring. I've made three original things. It means that I was the first person to make them! "Spiked Boyfriends" and "Spiked Girlfriends" and a Sharknado movie.

I can't put my finger on it but something about this game felt kinda held back. do not pay about like 20 bucks for this tbh.

Caco gazapo se ha robado mi corazón y la paciencia de mis amigos

Caco gazapo hijo de puta (te odio Luismi)
Al menos me he reído

Imagine Osu!, but actually good.

The worst yugioh game on the ds, in my opinion.

In order to unlock packs, you need to clear certain "theme" or "limited" duels. You can cheese the limited duels by using 40 trap cards, including trap monsters like Zoma the Spirit.

The theme duels are really lame because you won't actually have the resources to build a cool deck that fits the theme. Instead, you're just stalling until you can meet the requirements. Might be more enjoyable if you cheated to get every card early.

Duel puzzles are fun tho.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is the way this franchise have to go on. Once you forget the Ps2 looking that the game has in many parts it becomes a very FUNNY game, that lets you to feel all you wanted in a Pokémon game when you were twelve.
All the complains people had about poor exploration in the previous 3D games are destroyed in this new experience, you can feel the creatures alive and a town that evolves as you make achievements and help people.
If you were always a Pokémon fan you re gonna love this one.

I don’t know why I’m still buying these games, someone please help me!