6 reviews liked by Rompotte

Hallway simulator ft. free power armour

I love Getting Over It and have beaten it hundreds of times. I was excited for this game, it looked the most similar to Getting Over It out of any other rage-bait game out there. Living up to the "foddian" name it talks about in the steam description.

But the core gameplay is just too annoying and painful. Like it literally hurts my hands to play this game for more than 10 minutes. Having to hold down the buttons and yoink my mouse super fast and hard to swing is like the least ergonomic activity in the world. So I'm refunding this game sorry.

The dev really did nail the style of Getting Over It perfectly though.

We love gambling, don't we folks?

I absolutely love the idea of Hypnospace Outlaw, and the presentation is delightful. But I don't think it really works well as a game. Puzzles become too convoluted and nonsensical to solve, where I got sucked out of the flow too easily. I also grew to dislike the story, especially the ending. At least the game as a whole is pretty novel, and lots of cool little details were sprinkled throughout for me to discover and enjoy.

A vibrant Inside
Color creates a full heart
Gameplay empties it



SOMA tells an incredibly nuanced, gripping and intelligent science fiction story that stayed with me for a long time after I had finished the game. It is propably one of the great video game stories.

Its gameplay is servicable walking sim stuff, for the most part, until it wants to be a Horror game. Then it gets bad.
The Horror Elements are boring, underdeveloped and really don't mesh well with the rest of the experience.

The amazing story and the way interactivity plays into the experience of this story and lifts it up still make this game a masterpiece though. The story and the storytelling are just that good.

Def. play it if you're interested in SciFi at all.