A really incredible mechanic that I hope to see used in more games combined with a heartfelt story and message. I for sure would've cried so hard if I wasn't such a big strong boy.

Really fucking great game that I completely fucking ruined by playing on switch tbh. Just doesn't work as well on controller

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Santa's Big Adventure's is one of the best games of the 2010's, nay, of all time. The controls are fantastic, the story is absolutely thrilling from start to finish, and the characters are so lovable that every death was really impactful. The game is also very immersive. I really felt like I was Santa, which made every fight that much stressful. The graphics look so realistic I'm honestly shocked they managed to get it to look so real. Every one of Santa's hairs is rendered to an unbelievable degree of detail, and the environment is filled with so many secrets you will find new secrets with every new playthrough. I already have 10 hours in this game and I predict I will have many more in the months and years to come. My favourite moment of the game was the end (SPOILERS). The last level has a message which is Santa's final heart wrenching message before his death. In his dying breath he states, "Right click to add text", and then he, along with the rest of the game dies. This scene is incredibly sad as throughout the game you get so attached to Santa, you really feel like hes right there with you. When he dies and utters those final words I know I, an many others, shed a tear.

Overall I would give Santa's Big Adventures 9/10 Santa's I just wish there was more Santa's in the game

Ah I could never give this masterpiece a 9/10, its perfect in every way!

I've wanted to play Donut County for so long and it did not disappoint at all. One of the few games that tries to be funny and actually succeeds without it being annoying. Also eating big things with a hole is just fun. I just wish I could talk about it without sounding so sexual

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Inside was just Limbo but better in every way honestly. While I still don't understand the story for shit it presents it so well that I at least felt like I wanted to know what the fuck was going on. That creepy ass water girl can fuck off tho holy shit that part was terrifying


I played Limbo while on a road trip down to Seattle which isn't relevant at all I just felt like mentioning it. I really loved the sound design as well as the silhouette art style, they made for a cool spooky atmosphere. Could not tell you what the fuck the story was though


Hue isn't the most complex puzzle game but it manages to do some neat things with the colour wheel mechanic. Once you've unlocked a few colours it can make you feel pretty stupid for a while until you solve it and feel really smart.

Incredibly mid game tbh. But it created a new series on my channel so I gotta thank it for that.

Full review: https://youtu.be/VyKQUVAiuPg