Contrary to popular belief I did not own 2 versions of this game.


Thank You Disney+ Ads for reminding me I finished this game. Not Sponsored, just surprised is all.

Triple the Villains and Triple the Tubes.

I don't really wish to talk about my experience with getting the Iceball M chip.


The moral of this story is never kill any person's pets. You never know if there still all there.

I need more edge...Edgeness of Shadow The Hedgehog.

I like to thank this game for my video editing skills.

The Weapon Triangle in Fire Emblem made more sense than the Chi Arts.

Outside of some Legacy Characters not returning(DLC maybe?) This is the best Fighting Game I've ever Played. TEKKEN IS BACK!!

Guess this will have to tide me over till Layton in 2025. Arc Systems really threw me a curve ball with the company's name developing it in the credits.

Featuring Cole MacGrath from the Infamous Series.

This game lies to you. The Title is called "The Last Bounty Hunter" and yet as soon as you start the game a High Score chart is displayed in the opening. Proving more Bounty Hunters preceded you.

Just when I thought I would be safe from Bad Endings.

In one Game the word hope was used in the vicinity as light and darkness in Kingdom Hearts