The Angel Island floating up in the sky at the end still amazes me.

Son: I wanna play Shantae
Mother: We have Shantae at Home
…and nobody complained again

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All this to resurrect a character who was coming back via a post credit scene in the main game. This is the equivalent of going back to your house and checking to make sure the door is locked when it already was.

Platforming, why'd it have to be Platforming?

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?
-Stevie Wonder

I think I know where this franchise, went considering they showcased the ground level multiple times.

Divorce Papers? I thought I was playing Detective Pikachu not Watching a Parody of Pokémon.

This is the Best game in the Tales of series? Guess it's time to throw my game wizard card out the window.

Arikado, Arikado...I feel like I met him somewhere in my memories. Must be imagining things.

We making it out of the ghost ship with this one me hearty's.

I guess Lydie is a more of a "Material Girl" than Juste imagined.

Dracula: Ugh, not another Belmont again.
Camilla: A Mister Morris Baldwin is here to join us this evening.
Dracula:(Rises from casket quickly)Hi welcome, I'm here to steal your soul.

The main menu theme is so relaxing/thought-provoking after a long day of work. It stays with you for awhile.