Wario may be fine but he is swimming in Gold.

Game was decent but got written out of canon so make of that what you will.

There are very few games that can master the YM 2612 chip flawlessly. This is one of those games

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This game makes me more hyped for the Wolverine game. Still satisfied with the game minus some interesting decisions (Looking at Miles Suit near the end).

"Can we try this again?" perfectly represents what I feel with this game.

This is the closest I will get to facing Mike Tyson and not falling down in two seconds.

Nothing like a gimmick sandwich to rethink my happiness with this game.

The path of a ninja is hard, but rewarding.

I am the great mighty Wart. I throw bubbles at you to defend my fort.

Simp dragon teaches you how to use battalions. (Basically monsoon from the Metal Gear series.)

Man I miss jet set radio so much more thanks to this DLC.

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Imagine seeing the post credit scene and not seeing Miles being bit. That scene plays differently in my head now.

If only Wily knew of the wars coming after his time.

Who let the dogs out? woof woof woof woof, Who let the dogs out? woof woof woof woof, Who let the dogs out?