The main drive of this game is to leave behind the farm and community and I adored how that central idea becomes more melancholic as you play because you slowly become a resident of this town and a friend to the people living there. You grow tired of the maintenance of the farm and so start to branch out and connect with the characters but in so doing it makes it harder to want to abandon them for the nebulous goal of going somewhere that's green. This is what I love about video games, you can be lured in with a simple gameplay style that eventually transforms into a vehicle to tap into the human condition and leave you feeling things in a certain way that many other mediums cannot do.

The music has forever been burned into my brain since I played this game over and over again as a kid. I really do love the vibrant world that this takes place in and how you slowly start to free it from the rule of these evil swine.

Really admire how much energy and effort that Martin Sheen put into his performance.

This thing just kept dragging on and the repetitiveness of the missions only made the pacing worse. The endings have held a massive reputation and they were indeed lackluster choices to end this series on.

A game that gets you mad but in a good way

A very cute game that really utilises the power of visuals and interactivity to tug on the heartstrings and tell a story.

I like how this game is presented not just aesthetically but also in how minimal or expansive of an adventure you're willing to go on. This is filled to the brim with many characters, missions, treasures, and so on but you are the one who chooses when and if you are going to climb to the top of the mountain.


I loved it when Hades would pop up on the screen to scold me for sucking at this game.

I liked the part where I got to ride the rollercoaster with Keanu Reeves.

The music is spectacular and really gets you in the mood to do some rolling! The concept of having to roll stuff up into your ball to the point of eventually swallowing up a building is just brilliant. Gameplay wise this is very satisfying to handle although controlling the camera can be a nightmare at times.

Turnip Boy is a menace and must be stopped.

They took a lot of the great elements out of this like some neat gameplay mechanics, the character designs are lesser, missions have been nerfed and cutscenes have been cut or altered which includes the ending! The bugs, glitches, and pop-ins were all just relentless throughout my playthrough and truly defeated the purpose of this remake's existence.

Why would I want to leave and not stay dancing the night away with the people underground?!?!