12 Reviews liked by RyeBreadFF

they removed valbar from the cover for his controversial comments in 1999

This game is so fucking stupid I have over 600 hours in it

No Mahi Mahi Resort, suck my dick.

Have fast sex with me (bipolar guy), call it Sonic Mania. We added the plus because I consider myself good at it.

Edit hahahahaha I’m not a guy anymore lol we still can do it tho.

Did toby know what he was doing to our collective teen brains

I wouldn't dare dream of a better way to get carpal tunnel

this game sucks (endearing(notrlly)

Back in yee ol' 2011, Game Freak had one mission: make children around the world cry their eyes out. So they set out to make the saddest twink in the world. And they succeeded.

They even nailed the loading screens

Improves on every single mechanic from awakening while also having the worst writing in the entire series