one of the most unique and interesting puzzle games I've played, holy shit

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Bus going off the cliff in Utopia is THE funniest thing Ryukishi has ever written, jesus christ

Man this is probably one of the worst and most pretentious games I've ever played. I was actually pretty excited for this when I saw it at E3 and other game shows and such, but this is just insane. I'm not gonna bother delving into spoilers, but the revelations in this game are potentially the most mind boggling twists I have ever seen. Not only that, the gameplay gets extremely tedious merely an hour into it's 4-5 hour run time. It's good for a laugh with some buddies but I would literally never recommend this, even for a "so bad it's good" experience.

what the fuck this is the worst one somehow LMAO


Pretty solid! Combos feel satisfying and fun to perform, moving around to the rhythm feels great, overall just a genuinely ":)" experience is the best way I can put it.

It's good! It made me reallllllly want to play La Mulana instead so now I'm doing that. I just don't think I feel like finding all the eggs..

This game is fucking awesome with friends, seriously some of the most fun I've ever had, getting a 2v2 or 3v3 going on Oceanside is awesome. I wish more of the maps were better though, Riverside is good but not as good as Oceanside, and Mountainside is WAY too big, like you need a 10v10 for Mountainside.

Give this shit a sequel man

I fucking love picross, completed 100% with no assist mode

Totally shit at times and totally awesome at others, the epilogue especially is incredible.

Still peak (this was my steel soul run)

Pikmin!!!!!!!!!!!!! final boss was horrible though

I absolutely hate the original tetris effect because the lights flashing makes it incredibly uncomfortable to play to the point that it feels like I'm playing a "try not to have a stroke challenge". I feel the same way about this game's single player, however, the multiplayer is actually awesome and the zone mechanic can keep matches intense. Because I played the single player for like 5 minutes and the multiplayer for much much longer, this rating is for the multiplayer.