119 Reviews liked by SOLERO

Honestly one of the best FF, even after played 7-12-15-9-10-13 i became more and more sceptical about people destroy this masterpiece only for a few smudges about the plot.
Indeed, the game play very well the thematic of Destiny just like Legacy of Kain, and i f***ing love It.
Junction system may have more fix about skill adaptabilty for the player through the main game.... But if you cry about it so much for the broken system go for Omega/Ultima Weapon and other challenge, go on.
In the end, Uematsu OST goes BRRRRRR

sto avendo un attacco fortissimo di adhd questa volta ho paura di non farcela



quattro stelle perché paiolo dice che sono troppo severo con i giochi di merda
omosex è un gioco che mi ha inizialmente ossessionato e catapultato nei panni di un me sedicenne puzzolente, ingenuo e facilmente impressionabile: un rpg costruito con due bacchetti una scorreggia e una drum machine che parla di depressione, di inadeguatezza davanti ai propri pari e di disperato bisogno di accettazione? figa dio dove firmo per rubarlo? va a finire però che dopo ormai più di un decennio sono arrivato ad un punto in cui sono saturo di certi contenuti e non riesco più ad esperirli con la stessa spontaneità ed apertura mentale. omosex è un gioco messo insieme da quattro artisti scappati di casa e molte soluzioni adottate a livello di direzione artistica sono meravigliose e in qualche modo una boccata d'aria rifritta ma sempre buona tipo quella del cinese sotto casa mia, tuttavia vedendone sviluppata lentamente la trama sono arrivato al traguardo dell'essermi rotto il cazzo di vedere giochi-universo come earthbound, yume nikki, undertale e off venire spolpati rigirati e sfruttati per cercare quel briciolo di novità su cui costruire qualcosa di originale. omosex vorrebbe tantissimo inserirsi in una nicchietta tra questi titoloni da froci del web e guardando la sua storia di sviluppatori mezzo incompetenti ma ispirati e determinati al massimo livello non posso non chiudere un occhio e ammettere quanto sia incredibile che dalle zampe di un gatto obeso in autoisolamento sia uscito questo rpg, tuttavia quando penso a tutti quei momenti in cui viene spinto a forza dentro a questi quattro pixel mezzucci da orrore webete che a dir poco posso definire al limite del grottesco e del ridicolo mi si spezza il cuore e mi viene da dire pazienza...
con meno atmosfera da creepypasta sbrodato, meno dialoghi da quattro soldi, anzi meno dialoghi e basta direi, e più spazio dedicato all'esplorazione di un mondo sciocchino e infantile fotocopiato da earthbound questo titolo sarebbe diventato un serio contendente per il merdawards goty 2023. mi verrebbe anche da dire che questi temi richiedono un livello di comunicazione più adatto e competente, perché credo che l'amnesia dissociativa e li disturbo schizoide di personalità non possano essere descritti in modo realistico così: sembra più un "giocare a" che un "parlare di" con questi dialoghi e questa atmosfera arida da racconto horror davanti al falò. la ricerca di un rpg bello quanto franken continua...

i have no gyatt and i must rizz

One really cool trend we saw back in the last decade is formerly underground franchises breaking into the mainstream. Persona, Yakuza, Monster Hunter, Fire Emblem, and Xenoblade all had dedicated followings before but are now bringing in more fans than ever. Among these is Balan Wonderworld which blew people away with its frenetic action, deep characters, and philosophical storytelling. Its success led to many people checking out the game’s predecessor, Nights: Into Dreams. And let’s just say that the early installment weirdness is strong with this one.
The biggest issue with Nights could be summed up in four words: Creative ideas, Weird execution. Nowhere is this more evident with the game’s main protagonist Nights. Nights is a character we are supposed to straight up despise. You’re supposed to see them as a mass murdering psychopath. They’re supposed to be the embodiment of the player who kills all the clearly sapient enemies to power up and show what that person who actually be like. In other words, they were the original Chara. Heck, they even got the same pronouns. The game really wants you to hate them and constantly has the other characters as well as the very narration itself call them out.
(Clip of Elliot saying “Full of bloodlust, as always.)
But the problem is that nearly every one of Nights’s murders are completely justified. The game seems to forget the fact that Nights is a soldier fighting a war where the other side wants to destroy seals to release an eldritch abomination upon the world. Also, the enemy soldiers are almost always portrayed as nothing more than simple video game enemies for you to kill. As mangled as the phrase has become, Nights is just doing their job.
The one silver lining to all this is that Yuji Naka learned from his missteps. Balan Wonderworld did a far better job at linking story and gameplay together while Shot2048 gave us a far superior villain protagonist. I’m DestroyerOfMid and I’ll see you in the comments… again.

I’m so sick and tired of games that just want to rip off Hollywood instead of meaningfully advancing the medium

World babies will cry and hate that you don't have to temporal mantle clutch claw tenderize wallbang the monster repeatedly to have fun

"yeah man what if we made a Monster Hunter game with insane movement, an all-star monster list and give switch axe a guard point"


a litmus test for gamer sentience

maybe also the all-time least interesting game to have a debate about? if you think this game is badly designed or that it controls poorly, then i'm genuinely not interested in hearing it. i strongly recommend running it back - without the bitch in your ear yapping out all those cookie-cutter tier arguments

the less you know the better. play it

Now, I wasn't originally planning on giving this one a shot because I thought it was gonna be more generic wii mario, but I immediately picked it up when I saw that hilarious xbox brain poisoned tweet that went like:

mario jumping around getting coins yahoo
guy just walking in starfield doing fucking nothing


It's all fun and games reading this with your friends in vc until the white boy in your group starts laughing a couple decibels higher than usual at those scenes with Mr. White.

the pc rpg made beautiful and approachable. akira toriyama, one of the greatest to ever do it, delivers monsters that love being monsters and are psyched to fight the hero. this is no threatening dungeon crawler, but a fun fantasy manga that kids can play. perfectly structured and paced, and easy to see why it became an instant classic.