Over the past couple of years, I have changed my opinion on Three Houses A LOT. At first, it was my favorite in the series. Then I started to hate it. And now I love it again.
Most of the characters are very well written and shake Fates' trend of having characters be very one-dimensional. But for every couple of good and great characters, there's an awful one. Some of the character arcs in this game are legitimately depressing, intriguing, and motivational. Some characters are just boring and offer no real emotion, and then others are downright frustrating.
The gameplay is really fun in this entry. Classic FE combat with some spice. The new class system is a nice unique trait to the entry and the Demonic Beasts are a neat enemy type that does not get too overused. The new class system offers a lot of replayability and motivates you to have some "what if" playthroughs.
The story of this game had so much potential. It can be really good at moments and in a first playthrough, it seems amazing. But as you play more routes of the game, you start to realize some of the flaws of some story moments. With just a little bit of polish this could have been the best story in the series in my opinion.
Final score: 8/10

DOOM: Eternal is one of the best fps games I've played. The adrenaline rush gameplay and over-the-top action are a great way to relieve some stress. A highly replayable game too, Going for all the collectibles and cheats while replaying on higher difficulties was a blast. The music is great but doesn't hit as hard as DOOM 2016. Some enemies on higher difficulties can be annoying and the marauders can slow down the combat, defeating the main appeal of it. The multiplayer was also very dry, but it really isn't a focus point so it's inoffensive.
Final score: 9/10

It's just a short and simple platformer, that's about all. I kinda just played it cause it was free and I needed something new.
Final Score: 5/10

Not really a fan of games based on anime series since I don't really watch them. Kinda got it cause I was a little bit into the show at the time and two of my friends got it. It's a fun casual fighting game but terrible for any kind of competitiveness. The balancing in the game is terrible and some fighters are miles better than others. The campaign was fine and the other single-player content is just ok.
Final score: 6/10

One of the most impactful games I have played in my life. I kinda hate turned-based RPG's outside of Pokemon, so having this game be one of my all-time favorites is saying A LOT. This is a 200-hour game that I have played twice and 100%.
The main cast of characters are all really great in their own ways. The issues I have with Akechi in base game 5 are heavily improved in Royal. Kasumi and Maruki are both great additions. The Phantom Thieves are all really enjoyable in their own ways. Even the other confidants are all great and I always looked forward to learning more about them.
The combat and dungeon crawling are really fun. All palaces, except one of them, are wonderfully designed in combat, environments, and story. Creating powerful Personas using fusion feels so satisfying and getting to use the behemoths that you created in the late game is even more satisfying. I am not a fan of turn-based combat, mostly because of how slow and boring it can feel to me. Persona 5 R makes it exciting, fast-paced and makes me look forward to it. Knocking down enemies and using baton pass after to create chains of attacks feels so smooth.
The story of the game is so special to me in many different moments. Many of the small and large character arcs are so beautiful to watch. Some of the smaller main story segments are charming and the grand story of the game made me come back to it every day to see more. The additional content added by Royal is even better and creates a truly amazing ending to a masterpiece.
Also, the soundtrack is baller.
Final score: 10/10

I feel so incredibly neutral about this game. I have no strong love or hatred for it. It's kinda just there.
Final score: 5/10

I kinda think Reach is really overrated. The characters in it have no time to grow so you don't really have much of a connection to them unless you grew up with them. Multiplayer is great and easily the best in the series so that makes up for it.
Final score: 6/10

Persona 4 Golden is a very comfy game. A very sad comfy game. Despite not playing it as a kid I feel oddly nostalgic while playing it. I don't feel as strongly about it as I do with Persona 5 R.
I think Golden has mostly good characters. Almost all the main party members are great. Naoto is some of the best writing I've seen in a game. However, Rise can be a very annoying member at times. The other members of the team are great in their ways though. I did find myself not really caring for some of the non-party member social links. I can't even remember most of their names.
Combat is pretty standard compared to P5R. The soundtrack and colors of the game make it really pop at times tho, and some of the boss designs are sick. The dungeons do get boring and lose the charm of their themes quickly though.
The story is calming to go through, but can also be intriguing when the mystery-solving moments come in. The main themes of it are really appreciative as well.
Final score: 9/10

At first, I didn't think too much of the game after beating it. But now when I look back on it I realize how impactful its story and characters have been. I don't even have much to say about it. The combat is pretty standard FE gameplay, but the story is genuinely beautiful.
Final score: 9/10

Crazy fun gunplay that's fast-paced. Neat simple story and characters. Nothing too astounding. Anything gameplay wise DOOM 2016 just kinda did better.
Final score: 7/10

More of a party game than a fighting game in the long run, but I feel like that's what Smash should be more of. The gameplay is fine but given the option, I'm playing Ultimate instead. The game is a bit unbalanced for fighters. Subspace makes up for a lot of the game's flaws with just how cool it is.
Final score: 7/10

A down-right phenomenal story. Ike is one of the most aspiring main characters in anything I've experienced. The other characters are all enjoyable except for literally just one of them. The combat is simple FE gameplay, but unfortunately still feels just a tiny bit outdated in some ways.
Final score: 9/10

One trait in media I love for no reason is when shit just gets very over the top. And that is all this game is and I love it for that. The gunplay is back from New Order and it's even better. Some story and gameplay moments are so cool for how insane they are. The ending mission is amazing and a great way to end the game. The game's story is still a bit lacking like New Order's was though, but not as much.
Final score: 9/10

Halo: CE still stands strong to this day. The core gameplay is fundamentally good and simple so it's still stable compared to newer games. The story is a great experience that has a satisfying end. The game does fall weak with flood segments in my opinion. The library is an abysmal mission.
Final score: 8/10

Fates is an odd entry in the series. Birthright has just boring combat that is just way too easy. Conquest is actually pretty good combat-wise. And Revelations just has a lot of odd, unneeded mechanics that are used once on a single map and never again. Birthright also has a boring story, Conquest has a terrible story, and Revelations is pretty ok. The characters are fine, but they suffer so much from being written to be one-dimensional. All characters have one or two goofy traits that take over their entire personality.
Final score: 6/10