This is going to be GotY 2023 and I want it to be, it deserves it. I really loved my playthrough of TotK, but the game doesn't fix most problems BotW had. Still has the same terrible weapon durability, the story is good but all in the past, and really mundane and boring dungeons. This time TotK introduces some new problems. The overworld is the same again with not much new. Any area with a guardian in BotW now just feels barren and way too calm. The underground is really boring and there is not as much content in the sky as I was hoping. Having to pause your gameplay every time you want to attach something to an arrow and having to scroll through the entire inventory to find a specific item is really annoying.
Fuse is a great mechanic that opens up so much potential for the game and does make up for some of the other problems, like weapon durability. The final boss is God-tier and the sound design is the best I've seen in any game. I just had way less motivation to explore the map, because I already did in BotW.
Despite the huge negatives I still had a lot of fun, just not as much as BotW. I love both these games, but I hope they return to traditional 3D Zelda soon.
Final score: 8/10

The first thing I want to say is that this game is BEAUTIFUL. These were some of the best backgrounds I have seen in any fighting game and each characters' redesigns are great. The base roster is really good too, it was nice to see so many old characters return, while still keeping some newer ones. The change in some character's backstories and personalities are also really well done. I can't believe I actually like Sindel, Shang Tsung, Reptile, and Raiden for once. Liu Kang is also an amazing character here, to me he finally feels like the main character he has always intended to be. The main story was also amazing for the most part. The final act had some goofy moments, but honestly, they were still fun and cool so I still liked them. Now as for Invasions, I'll see if I like them over time, but I much prefer this over Towers of TIme from MK11. As for now, this is honestly a perfect MK game in my book and I am really excited for what NR has in store for the rest of this new era!! (Also really excited for Takeda and Omni Man in the DLC)
Edit: $12 for a fatality is ridiculous...
Final score: 7/10

Finally got around to playing this iconic horror game, and I'm glad I finally did. While the limited PS1 graphics can make some things hard to see out and the game does suffer from tank controls, I still really enjoyed a playthrough. The blood-stained, rusty industrial environments of Otherworld create a perfect setting for a horror game. The story and characters are pretty good too.
Final score: 8/10

Great first game in the series and introduces a complex world rich with lore well. Your story of Shepard and the Normandy crew is amazing. The character conflicts feel real and tense. Combat encounters are tense and fun. However, I struggle to pick it up again now. The Legendary remaster was really good for this game and made it playable on PC.
Final score: 8/10

Despite it being really short, I really liked this one. It was nice to see Alyx more, but in the later parts of the game, she does start to get a bit annoying. The soundtrack was really good and some moments felt really cool because of it. Overall the game starts off very strong but starts to drop the rest of the time.
Final score: 8/10

Donkey Kong.
Final score: 6/10

This game is frustratingly so close to being great. It made some needed improvements compared to the first, but the removal of the open world is a shame that gives less personality to the world. However, this game still has some of my favorite boss designs and fights in any game. Kimmy, Cloe Walsh, New Destroyman, Ryuji, Margaret, Vladimir, and Alice are all great highlights to me. The story is on par with 1, but the ending cutscene gets me every time. But god that final boss is so bad. Amazing soundtrack that I actually go back and listen to.
Final score: 8/10

This game holds up amazingly well. Everything about this game is impressive for when it came out. Something I was really surprised by was just how good the animations are for 2004, especially face animations. There are some dents that keep it back from being perfect for me though.
Final score: 8/10

-You know who
Final score: 5/10

Halo: CE still stands strong to this day. The core gameplay is fundamentally good and simple so it's still stable compared to newer games. The story is a great experience that has a satisfying end. The game does fall weak with flood segments in my opinion. The library is an abysmal mission.
Final score: 8/10

A near-perfect game gets made perfect in a remaster. I played the game as a kid, but never finished it. Coming back as an adult and finishing it gave so much more meaning to the game. As an adult, I realized a lot more in the dialogue and some of Sheik's lines hit way too hard. The dungeons all have great theming and tell their own stories perfectly. The dreaded water temple is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be and actually happens to be one of my favorite dungeons lore-wise. This is a game everyone needs to play.
Final score: 10/10

A down-right phenomenal story. Ike is one of the most aspiring main characters in anything I've experienced. The other characters are all enjoyable except for literally just one of them. The combat is simple FE gameplay, but unfortunately still feels just a tiny bit outdated in some ways.
Final score: 9/10

I know this is such an important game to the history of development of games, but god it doesn't hold up well at all. Encountered many moments where I had to restart from a save cause Freeman would get stuck on an elevator or a barrel. Gunplay is boring too. I understand it was good at the time, but it has not aged gracefully.
Final score: 5/10

Everything about this game is near perfect. The controls are very tight and the new weapons all feel unique and fun. Weapon swap was a great addition that allows more combos to open up. The difficulty is really good. Dante has a great personality compared to 1 and 2. The other characters are amazing, like Vergil and Lady. The world and new lore are very engaging. The only thing keeping this from a 10/10 is some enemies. Some bosses slow down combat a lot in favor of their gimmicks and it gets annoying. Some late-game enemies also do this.
Final score: 9/10

A really fun beginner-friendly fighting game that's also enjoyable for veterans of the genre. The character designs are all flawless and the soundtrack is a banger. The only thing keeping it from perfect is the severe lack of single-player content.
Final score: 8/10