how do you even lose once you get the thing that blocks off the hole. ive been playing for like 20 minutes and havent lost. im getting tired

was pretty excited for this but im just not having any fun with it. very tedious. i like the visual style but it suffers by acting like the whole thing is a big joke, and most of the humor is not funny. i would enjoy it more if it took itself a bit more seriously

i still need to go back and finish the alternate levels (which i didnt know existed until i just about beat the game)

i've listened to two million albums playing this game

really funny and fun spinoff to one of my favorite games ever. made me kinda sad in the same way that hypnospace did, just because zane still feels like such a real and genuine person. im glad he won a lotto ticket and got to make his dream.

also, soundtrack goes insane

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i love that this is, gameplay wise, all the best parts of alien isolation distilled into a (relatively) short and tight experience. one of the best, maybe THE best, example of "you're being stalked by one single enemy" type games.

i'm also a frictional games enthusiast so i'm always excited to play whatever they put out, especially if it contains more amnesia lore. i think my only real big issue with this one is... what was the point of giving you the shotgun at the very end? i only shot it once during the final encounter. felt weird that i was picking up shotgun ammo a few times throughout the whole game only to never even really use it.

another thing: obviously pretty much all of the amnesia games have bleak endings, but i particularly like that this one was like "yeah you escaped a scary monster but you're still in the middle of world war 1 idiot"

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watched (and helped) my fiancee play. i liked watching her go from saying "i like the stoat" to "FUCK the stoat"

played this entirely on the plane to the UK and then the train to paris

insanely good environmental art and pretty good level design. played on hard and found the game a bit too easy. never died to an enemy besides the final boss. feels like i always had more than enough health and mana

streamed for my epic fiancee

this game has both one of the WORST first 2 hours of any game ive ever played, and its immediately followed by one of the best parts of a resident evil game (z-day in tall oaks with leon and helena). after that the game is just kinda mid the rest of the way through. the way it incorporates multiplayer is pretty cool though, i wish i got to experience it when it came out

very cool. weirdly related to a lot of the themes this presents. made me kinda sad.

this game only costs $7 but it cost ME $14 because it had me pressing the w key down so hard that i broke the legs on my keyboard and had to order replacements

pretty cool. great aesthetic and well made puzzles. gonna check out this devs most recent game for sure and keep an eye on them