very fun and very annoying. the annoyingness ended up being a welcome and endearing respite from the gameplay intensity. kinda cool that way. dont know if ill ever beat level rush mode, i dont have that kind of time in my life

probably pretty good if you are 5 years old

I wish you could have a gun and kill all the animals in the world

this little elephant is one of the biggest reasons i'm passionate about indie games and video games as a whole

i love risk of rain 2 but risk of rain 1 was my first major roguelite timesink. cant wait to play more of this. works amazing on steam deck

definitely an insanely impressive launch title for the SNES. not sure if ill ever beat it though because i get too frustrated with it. fuck port town 2

cool poster and great music but the same BS enemy placement that plagues every NES run n gun game

my tv has a very slight input lag that isnt a problem in any other game, but it makes beating this with my current set up nearly impossible. i would have to react BEFORE soda popinski even begins telegraphing an attack. will come back to this at some point because its a great game

props to the game for just unapologetically including arnold schwarzenegger and sigourney weaver

kinda strange that i like this more than the ghouls n ghosts games. im very excited to try demon's crest now

got around 5 hours in before i realized i was getting to the point of forcing myself through it. really cool little hidden gem though and would definitely recommend checking it out. just gets a bit too repetitive

made my fiancee watch the forced gender reassignment game

made my fiancee play it and she met god

if you get far enough in this the columns start falling so fast theres no way you can even control where they go