replayed this for the plus update and to get 100% completion. kinda sucks that this game is known to those who havent played it as a kind of ironic vaporwave funny meme game. its so so much more than that. the people who create these websites feel so real and earnest and the emotions of the game hit so hard when you really follow along. super excited for dreamsettlers (and slayers x)

this game is just straight up not fun to play, and i usually am an advocate for games where people really hate the combat (like Scorn). every single encounter is essentially the exact same, the usage of slow motion every two seconds is grating, and sometimes the checkpoints are frustrating.

the story is... okay. it really really wants you to think it's well written. havent played through the dlc chapters yet but i probably will.

i feel like Control was an improvement in every single way over this game, which makes me still excited for Alan Wake 2.

the hard levels and some of the beat the dev challenges are intensely frustrating. miss these games though, wish i could play the original 3 still.

beat this on my first run ever lol

every area in this game, just visually speaking, is incredible. each area is very distinct and it was always a treat to push forward and progress just to see what was next. so many unique little things in this game too. so much character. as others have said, the combat is a bit annoying but it also feels good occasionally. some of the weapons, though, dont make much sense to me. the weapon you get as a reward at the end does a crazy amount of damage, but it takes >10 seconds to load one shot. i can output more than its damage in about 7 seconds just by throwing a bunch of axes. other than that though, i really loved this. excited for this dev's next project!

cool that they made a purely co-op experience so i could share these games with my girl friend :)

been trying to beat this on and off for like a year. did it

im just reviewing shadows of rose here, i havent played any of the new mercenaries stuff yet or third person in the main game

it was fun! i kinda wish there were some new setpieces and was a little disappointed that most of the game takes place in the castle and house beneviento again. insane steam reviewers saying the dlc only took them 1 - 1.5 hours to beat. it took me about 3 hours and i wasn't going slow or anything. also whats up with the end credits song trying to sound like bjork

genuinely scary
still need to go back and get the better ending for chapter 3

played with my abi girl friend and it was fun she got so fucking mad at me she was kicking me and screaming


makes me sad that some people truly can't see the reason why this game took so long to make. every single room and hallway can be stared at like a painting, every animation is so incredibly detailed, and the "story" is something unlike anything i've seen told in game form.

people were obviously somehow expecting a shooter despite ebb software making clear multiple times that, while this game has guns, it is NOT a shooter. (i personally like the early silent hill-esque combat.) what we ended up getting was essentially everything i hoped it would be for the past like 6 years. i didnt expect the game to be long, but if i had one complaint it would be that it couldve used maybe one more act.