I turn it on and am obsessed with it, I really enjoyed all the games and I think the motion controls are great. The outfits are fun to unlock, though I wish you could go back to get previous sets you missed once you catch up, it really only takes a day to unlock a whole set. But in the end do I think this is better then resorts? No. Do I think it's worth the 50$ I bought it for? Eh not really.

First game I got with my Xbox one and I absolutely adored everything about it, the world and all the mechanics were amazing and just what I needed. Wish this series was talked about more.

Fantastic game that has aged mostly well. The gameplay, upon playing the future games and coming back, is super jank. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just a thing that will happen in a game with sequels; it's even more likely for a game doing anything new (MGS1 is another good example). As a fan of Batman in general, there are a lot of fun references and the all the Riddler elements are great. Pure and simple it's an amazing game and there's not much more to add that hasn't been said before.

My least favorite of the main three, but I still love it. The game fixes and refines elements from the first game and keeps the more obscure elements of Batman history. My main issue is that some of the Riddler trophies are just absolutely nightmarish to complete and Catwoman could have been polished more.

This is my comfort game, so it's flaws don't mean that much to me. The controls are smooth and I love all the detail on the map. There's so much to do aside from the main story and it's all great. I do think there was too much reliance on the Batmobile. Even though the Deathstroke fight from Origins made me way too angry, I would have preferred it over those stupid tanks (if i could have anything removed from the game completely it would be those tanks). Also, out of all the Batman villains they crammed in a tank they chose Deathstroke? The ninja whose main thing is fighting good? Fine, whatever, anyways. I've played this game 10 times or so, so whatever it's doing it's doing right.

For the (technically) third game in the Arkham series, it's a bit of a step down but I still really enjoyed the game and had fun with it. I love how much they went into the detective elements of Batman, it's something that a lot of Batman games tend to leave out or have very little of. The map feels a little empty but it's also very cool to see the area that will become Arkham city in it's normal state. The boss fights are very very hard which pissed me off and redoing them was driving me insane...BUT they are well done (minus the Bane fight, literally go to hell for that thing). But yeah, it has it's problems but I had fun and it had some elements I wish the main serious would have taken into account.

I love games like this, so comfortable and pretty. Literally no complaints other then I would love for the kids to get older then like 2, but it's obviously not game ruining. Lots of love to the dev for putting so much work into the game and adding so many new things.

Really like the environment of this game, had a lot of fun and liked walking around and seeing the world. Very specific to me issue is that underwater areas in video games terrify me to a degree that I can't explain so the underwater bits are awful.

Beautiful game, I love the element of being able to run into other players and just running around and calling to them. The dark area was made much nicer when I had a friend to run around with. I want to play this game more already but the come back after a week achievement is funny and I want it.

It's Portal 2, what more is there to say about Portal 2. GLaDOS is hot isn't even a rare opinion anymore.

It's fun enough. I honestly don't know if I'm going to play it much in the future, I just don't think it's my kind of game.

Probably my most played and favorite wii game. As a depressed, lonely kid this game gave a really nice amount of escapism and I will cherish that forever. Is that a bit dramatic? Yeah, but this game really was a godsend during some dark times.

I adore this game so much. I am just a bit too young to have experienced the time of the internet this is going for but the game still feels so familiar. All the characters feel like real people, especially Tiff who reminds me so much of childhood friend. This games soundtrack lands in my top three of all time, the variety and the quality of the music is amazing and really adds to the environment of the game. This is also one of the few games to leave me in tears by the end. I can't recommend this game enough, go in blind though. (and it's best played on your computer, it helps you get lost in the world)

Is this game stupid? Yes. Have I played it multiple times? Yes. This was actually the only game I played in the series until 3 came out on switch, and at this point I'm not that interested in the first two, but I know their stories and how 3/ 4 took a big turn. But once I played 3 I haven't come back to it. I'm not going to say it's good but I don't think I can get away with replaying it as much as I did and say it's awful.

Game was good, had fun. It's another pokemon game. Probably the last main line pokemon I can say looks good though.