This is one of those fun edgy games. The concept is fun but I will say that the future games figured out the formula more. This is the kind of game your neighbor would have growing up and insist it's the best thing ever.

The Wipeout games just never clicked for me. Something about the way they handle, I think. There's nothing wrong here but there's not a ton that draws me in either. Some of the later wipeout entries clicked with me a bit more.

For some reason the menu screens look really good and then the game itself looks like Mario 64 designed by drug addicted toddlers. Homeless toddlers, at that. The cars do look like little matchbox racers which is fun, so I can't be all that harsh.

The gameplay is like Mario Kart but only at the level a small child could play. Sorry to harp on that theme but that's the target audience for the game so it's hard to avoid. Not a lot of tricks to get an edge. As a time trial game it's surprisingly passable for at least an afternoon or so.

This is one of those games where you need to 100% complete it to beat it but it's not super hard to do that. This game isn't very long but I still think there's maybe a bit of filler. My issue here is that there's just not interesting enough mechanics, which when you combine it with the controls and the nonexistent progression is a bummer. The mechanic of you needing to earn extra lives by competing in dumb racing minigames gets old fast. However, the spooky aesthetic can save many a game. I wouldn't have beaten it without that. Thank you Halloween.

This is my favorite Gamecube game. It's so comfy. There's a cool story and a boundless amount of content which is all paired with a really fun gameplay loop. So many things to explore and accomplish. A masterpiece.

The day and night mechanic is fun, and in a series that blurs together for me this stands out as probably the stand out go-to.

I like this as a fun little arcade title but I will say it gets old. I never felt much of a need to dive super deep into this game but I am glad to have played it. Speedrunners are crazy and I respect them but it's not my fate.

Wario Land is a great franchise. This game isn't in that franchise. It's a console version of an established handheld series and beyond being a platformer there's not an awful lot this game has in common with the Wario Land series. You gotta look at it as it's own thing.

It's an alright action platformer. There's not a lot to say. It's short and fun to blast through but doesn't leave a huge impression.

This is a really weird entry. The computer is the main reason why. You gotta watch the AI set up each deal slowly each time they offer one, and they offer some pretty insane ones. The AI can be very unforgiving one moment and then offer to let you buy entire monopolies the next. Sometimes I feel like the developers stumbled across this tortured computer ghost in the machine type demon thing and decided that Monopoly Party was only created as a holding device. When the AI offers you the same deal four turns in a row (which happens) and forces you to watch it slowly work out that deal each time (which happens) it's that evil spirit trying to lash out in the only way still avalible to it. That's my theory. Also, sometimes the AI gets to pick it's piece before you and that feels needlessly egalitarian. This is freaky monopoly man.

Picking your piece isn't enough for this game. You also get to pick what kind of houses and hotels you want in addition to getting choose between different themes for the board. I dunno if that's enough to really justify this over the million other Monopoly ports.

It's a serviceable way to play Monopoly for what that's worth. If you really want to go back to this it has to be because of the weirdness, not despite it.

This game has a really cool soundtrack. Me and my friends listened to it while we got pulled over late at night in real life, which has somewhat soured that for me. I really like the night asthetics in games which pairs with that hard-hitting soundtrack nicely.

The gameplay is fun but it doesn't really reinvent the wheel for me. I might have to come back to this but I didn't get as drawn in as I thought I would. The drag racing sections turned me off a bit, which might have been why I put this game. I still liked it though. With a racing game I dunno if you necessarily need to complete the campaign to really get the idea though.

I don't like the character design but the level presentation is good. The gameplay can be limited and frustrating but the combat is frankly better than a lot of platformers that try adding beat-'em-up elements. You can unlock stuff, even if it's not much. All of this adds up to a very middle of the road experience. If you want a new 3D platformer that gets the job done, you've found it.

Data Design Interactive is one of the most infamous creators of shovelware out there. These are the guys who made like five 3D platformers which are all reskins with the same level and gameplay.

These minigames mostly make no sense, but there are one or two where I figured out what was going on. You can also play as Spongebob. For these two reasons, Nickelodeon Party Blast gets one star instead of half a star. It's not the worst game ever made but it's not that far off.

This is still one of the best games in the franchise if not the best. Wario Ware is a really cool minigame collection you can dive super deep into if you want. Locking in and mastering every minigame and hunting for high scores is awesome. It's kind of shallow which can hurt it's longevitiy but it aids in accessibility. Very fun to pick up and put down whenever.

This is sort of like the unofficial sequel to Shrek Super Party cause it's another licensed party game made by the same people. The mechanics and minigames are different, but the unlockable system makes it surprisingly fun to play over long periods of time. When we got this Shrek Super Party was sort of relegated to the second string. This isn't the most consistent game in terms of quality but the unlockable system is frankly a lot more fun than Mario Party 6 and it beats a lot of games on the console which have basically nothing to unlock. Good dumb fun.

Underrated. You need to let this game happen. It runs horribly and it's dumb but the mini games are surprisingly fun sometimes and when they aren't fun they are ridiculous which brings about its own kind of enjoyment. This has gotten more rotation at functions than anyone wants to admit.