27 reviews liked by Samn

La que me prueba se trama vuelve y se programa, mujeres en rama
Me llama pa que apague su llama, se trama vuelve y se programa
Mujeres en rama me llaman pa que apague su llama

Robocop: Rogue City (2023): Obra maestra. Puramente inmersivo, dónde te sientes Robocop desde el primer minuto, con un gameplay en perfecta consonancia con la narrativa y un diseño de niveles brillante que capta el espíritu de Detroit. Tiene bugs, sí, pero apenas empañan el magnífico conjunto (9,25)

”oh wow I like Kafka a ton already, I hope I get her in my first roll” was what I thought after starting the game

>she isn’t even playable again after the tutorial
>Breaking Bad S5EP14 “Ozymandias” 10:39

Edit: Kafka is now out and I’ve opened this game for the first time in months… the dream has been completed, she came home on my first roll and I can now delete the game

Le faltaron huevos pa poner la escena de 7 horas de dos robots cogiendo.

Con todos los finales y con el juego al 100% (me vi por youtube la secundaria de Rogue Saber porque paso de pasarme el juego una 3º vez por solo eso) este juego sino existiera la visual novel de Stay Night seria el mejor juego de Fate de todos, con una gran historia, personajes encariñable, una música buenísima, un gameplay que al principio se puede hacer algo tosco pero que poco a poco cuando vas consiguiendo mejoras y te acostumbras mas hacer esquivas perfectas y al uso de magias llegas a convertir a Iori en Saber 2.0 pero permanente y con mas versatilidad y los finales para mi el final de Light es el mejor, seguido con el del NG+ que me dejo con un malestar en el cuerpo enorme y por ultimo el que menos me gusto seria el de resentment donde creo que desaprovechan mucho a un personaje que no estaba mal en los finales anteriores.

PD: Su NG+ es maravilloso debido a que sirve para profundizar mas en ciertos personajes dándoles una capa mas de complejidad y pudiendo empatizar mas o incluso odiando mas alguno de estos.

PDD: Kaya besto girl y Iori y Saber bestos personajes.

YES I FUCKING LOVE THIS ARGGGGF if you don't love this. Fuck you, plain and simple, there is so much wrong in premise as well as execution that comes through the finish line unscathed via sheer determination and force of will. This is like if Warcraft III, bloons tower defense and God hand rented an apartment together and had sex every day and honestly that is a form of nirvana we should all strive to achieve, even if the outcome is nowhere near as good as guilty gear 2.

Its alright, there's times where the shooting reminded me of those free radical games, played it on normal and it was a really short run, I think it was the wrong decision to leave the only good characters absent for a majority of the story, however the score is phenomenal, so much better than it had any right to be with its use of prehispanic instruments and pretty creative melodies. Idk I guess it had a pretty tall order filling up the void of ps3 releases during the early years, and they did pretty good.

If not for my years as an elemental troll shaman leading up to playing this game for the first time I may not have played it through but sure enough, here's to infamous, for some the defacto open world superhero game, and for playstation fans everywhere the zappy thunderguy chain lightning spamming game of preference, me personally I'm more of a PSO/KH1 type of guy, ahem.

Well I liked this well enough, to be perfectly honest I prefered festival of blood in almost every aspect, it has many things holding it back, such as Cole's magnetic ass progressively becoming more and more of a liability as the game goes on, bullet spongy enemies that make a lot of the more fun abilities unreliable, boring side quests you dread to go through again after just once, sure ugly graphics and a so-so city that feels like it was copy pasted 3 times over, characters that are just disembodied voices, not a specially big fan of anyone's performance either, but that said the story is definitely the winning element for me, specifically the ending and the message it contains, how selfless and selfish people's actions are a means to an end, as much as we define ourselves as purely good or bad we expect to further ourselves by changing the world around us, reality is indiferent to either side and however good or bad we decide to become, no one gets a say when, arbitrarily, or by gods desire our hard work is taken away from us. Infamous goes on to foster themes of chaos, compassion, overambition, disenfranchisement and injustice in a very compelling fashion that tie well into its ultimatum where however you chose to live your life, it won't matter if you didn't consider the possibility that you would some day answer for your actions. If you don't adapt, or respond to what's around you, good or bad are you really who you claim to be?

whoever finished super metroid and thought "you know what this needed? being separated into missions, being more linear and having a narrator", let's meet up over some coffee. i'd like to pick your brain with a big hammer

No es la Juana de Arco de Fate y, por lo tanto, no me gusta.

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