This is my absolute favorite, #1 on any list game.
The first game was good, but man…they cranked it up with the sequel.
The pulpy atmosphere, the lush (by NES standards) cutscenes, the fun new power ups (orange ninja clones!).
The bad guy is fun and appropriately villainous, with a face only a Cobra Commander could love.
This was the first game that I really took notice of the soundtrack. I even ended up buying the OST on vinyl a couple years ago.
All this to say this game is bad ass. Go play it!

This is my third favorite SNK fighting game (the others being Garou: Mark of the Wolves and Samurai Shodown V: Special).
It uses rotoscoped animation like Street Fighter 3 did for Elena, only here it’s every character.
This game is hard. Maybe a tad too hard lol
I’m not sure this is really Art of Fighting 3. I get the feeling it was originally a side game, as Robert is the protagonist in this game, not Ryo. So, I did some quick digging and yes, this is a side story in Japan. It’s Japanese Subtitle is Ryûko no Ken Gaiden, Gaiden translates as side story.
Anyways, that’s getting off track. Like almost all NeoGeo fighting games, it uses a 4 button layout.
3 attack buttons, and I think some form of counter button (I haven’t played in a long time 😊).
It’s a fairly standard fighting game of its period.
But the graphics are nice, the OST has some great tracks and it’s flashy. Three ingredients to make me happy as a fighting game guy

Look, rock paper scissors is NOT stupid, ok? It’s just different. An attempt to add some goofiness to the game. That kind of stuff is completely in-line with a Japanese company. Japanese tv series are filled with weirdness like that lol
Ok, to the game. It’s hard af.
It’s from the 8-bit era when they believed a game should tax you physically and mentally. It’s not like modern games that hold your hand like they are ICO and you are the helpless girl tagging along with him.
Like many Master System games, it’s considerably more colorful than a typical NES game. The SMS could display like, around 10 extra colors on screen as compared to the NES.
I bring that up because Alex Kidd always looked so crisp and clear compared to say, Super Mario Bros, the game he was made to compete with.
He got several sequels, but honestly none are as good as the first.
I’m glad to say my nostalgia glasses did not fail me. In fact, I’ve managed to get further now than I did as a kid.
Honestly, Alex Kidd just seems like a Hudson Soft character.
Anyways, go. Play. Enjoy your slice of the gaming pie

Alex Kidd in Miracle World was the only game for the Sega Master System I really enjoyed, other than Rambo 2.
And this remake? It’s beautiful. The game is still hard af, as you can see from the other reviewers’ skill issues (I jest).
Seriously, this game is unforgiving. But that was part of the fun of it.
If you like retro games that are hard af and WILL piss you off, then this is for you.
But those new graphics are just gorgeous.
I also like that you can change back and forth between the original graphics and the new graphics on the fly. It makes doing side-by-side comparison shots easier.

I fell in love with this silly ass shoot ‘em up at a Toys R Us that I used to visit after school. They had a TG-16 hooked up and playing a few different games. My favorites were Air Zonk, Alien Crush and Devil Crush. The last two are pinball games, and I will get around to giving them reviews too.
Now, Air Zonk is made by Hudson soft, who made the Bonk games, so Zonk looks like Bonk with Ray Charles shades on. But he’s also a robot.
Ok, so I don’t know the story, exactly. I just played the game last week, but I never pay attention to the story.
Basically each level you choose a partner to join you. They help you out kind of like Options from Gradius or Lifeforce. But you get a certain power up and Air Zone no and his buddy combine into a new form that unleashes hell all across the bad guy army.
It’s satisfying getting to the boss and grabbing this random power up.
The music is also really good.
This is a fun game. If you get the chance and you like shoot ‘em ups, definitely give it a whirl.

I played this game when it came out on a friend’s Jaguar (he had a history of picking bad consoles). It was one of the few worthwhile games on the system.
I never finished it, as my friend got rid of his Jaguar before then buying a Saturn.
He knew how to pick ‘em.
He ended up giving me the Saturn when none of the trade-in places would take it and no one he knew wanted it lol
Good times, good times.
But the Jaguar AvP is challenging and fun.
In some ways, it’s better than the later AvP shooter from 1999. Which actually uses ideas that came up for a possible Jaguar sequel lol

The graphics have not aged well. Like, at all. But I still love this game.
Bought it off of GoG a while back because I no longer have the disc.
It’s still just as weird and wtf inducing as ever. Just like grandma Barker used to make.
Anyways, this is a horror FPS with mystical amulets, cursed families, lovecraftian type horrors, and some gardener out front that you see at the beginning but never again.
I suppose the gellnhiunds got the poor bastard. He was just doing his job!
Unlike that other Clive Barker game, this one is actually worth playing.

A step up from its predecessor, Durandal takes the story from Marathon and cranks it up to 20. “This shits got nuts.”
But graphically it’s better, the UI is way better, the levels are more varied.
My only real complaint is the damn sewage level lol

One of the best FPS ever made. By the “We’ll never make games for any other platforms but the Apple Mac” company, also known as Bungie.
The game has a very involved story, it’s told via computer terminals you find n levels.
An absolute massacre in deathmatch

There are literally two games worth playing on this bullshit system, and one of them is this game. Wario Land games were really fun.
It’s a shame this one never got ported to another system.
But it’s where it is and most will never play it because the ol’ black and red thing.

Probably my favorite platformer of all time.
Great graphics, wonderful music, fun world to explore.
It’s amazing how well it held up.

I enjoyed the hell out of this game.
It was hilarious.
I miss it, but life goes on.
Had some great times though.

This game is adorable. Kind of short, but really worth the play through.
This is one of my favorite Metroidvanias to come along in recent years.

This mode is wild and a lot of fun.
At first I found it difficult, but by the time I beat the main game, and came back to it, I was on a rampage.
And getting the legendary horses is a blast.

I first played this quite a long time after it released.
I didn’t like it.
Years later, I got it on my Switch and it sat there for months. Then BAM, I started it up after getting annoyed with DOOM 3 (that’s another story) and at first wasn’t impressed, then about level 3 it hooked me. The levels are really fun and the “new” graphics are good.
Would recommend to any DOOM nut.
I think it’s better than Final DOOM by a wide margin