I'm a star wars simp but not a dark souls fan, so mainly enjoyed the story :)

loved this game, just wish there was a new game plus!

polished and loved it just the horror element wasn't as good as the first maybe it's because when you played the original you know what to expect

enjoyed parts but was mid tier overall.

good game, my lack of friends is made up for with having a squad that and they're actually useful,

loving it but the world is empty compared to breakpoint but I'd recommend playing in immersive mode,

very challenging, a refreshing change but I only play when I only have minimal time to game.

Enjoyed this more than I thought, More than playable solo,
Once you've got the best gear, coin and relic collecting seams pointless

I got 50 hours in this Enjoyed it more than I ever thought I would. Was a nice little surprise for me.

If this had a new game plus I'd so go back to it,

it's good but wasn't very hyped playing it


played the updated version just cba to search it