4 reviews liked by Saviola

Final Fantasy VI is really interesting because it doesnt check a lot of boxes that i normally need to LOVE an rpg; The antagonist is entertaining and interesting but not insanely deep and doesnt have very meaningful interactions or relationships with the main characters, there is a massive cast and there arent too many great moments showing their cohesion as a group, the gameplay while well designed and difficult gets a little repetitive, and the art direction is amazing but due to technical limitations the graphics themselves dont always reflect it the best. even with all this i dont feel lukewarm about the game at all, the world is so intricate and packed to the brim with charm and wit, the main cast despite not having as much dialogue as contemporary rpgs are all beautifully written, memorable, and unique (which is especially remarkable considering theres 14 main characters), and at times the fact that there isnt a ludicrous amount of dialogue for every character prevents it from getting annoying or repetitives like a lot of ffvis contemporaries. The main plot moves at a great and varied pace, not to mention how it only gets better and better as it continues AND it subverts a lot of typical story progressions that you would expect, even 30 years after release. idk i could talk a lot more about ffvi but i try to stay away from long winded and wordy reviews i just found the game really cool

beautifully crafted world, with so many secrets you'll wish you could ask the developers what they were thinking, but maybe even they wouldn't be able to answer.
It´s an amazing game, even with its relatively simple story, it manages to mix its minimalistic art style with a shockingly complex adventure through creating your own destiny.

Quando o jogo Spider-Man saiu pro playstation eu fiquei louco pra jogar, cada vídeo que eu via era espetacular e eu ficava admirado com aquilo. Quando o jogo foi anunciado pra pc eu jogo comprei pra jogar e não me arrependi, que jogo gostoso. Esperando pelo 2 sair no pc logo

The worst thing the internet ever did to me way back when was selling me on the idea of Dark Souls as this SUPER HARD GAMER series for GAMERS! GIT GUD and PREPARE TO DIE! When in reality it’s this really offbeat and interesting interpretation of an RPG where even though it’s entirely skill-based, and it can be pretty hard, there’s still more than enough to form personal attachments with outside of the gameplay itself. It’s very light on narrative but fosters mechanical storytelling through its nonlinearity and some of its wonkier mechanics. Getting cursed in Depths and having to climb my way out, having my weapon nearly break halfway through a bossfight and having to swap around on the fly; two emergent situations that aren’t really all that significant, but were memorable enough to hold onto and help my playthroughs feel ‘mine’. Working towards the Dragonslayer Spear only to realise I just transformed my only good weapon into something I’m 10(!!) levels away from being able to use would probably come off as cheap in any other game, but I found myself eager to work around this sudden frustrating wrench in my build when the whole game builds itself around putting you in uncomfortable situations and telling you to deal with it.

It’s a vibes game to me, really. It’s hard for me to imagine there’s many of that GIT GUD crowd still grinding out DS1 when games like DS3, Sekiro and Elden Ring exist because it just doesn’t offer the same mechanical depth or extreme upper limit of challenge compared to them, and it only gets easier when you realise you can deal with most of the enemies in the game by circle strafing and backstabbing where possible. But that’s not the point, right? It’s more than just a set of challenges, it’s a world to be explored and overcome. Combat encounters aren’t just enemies to be killed and walked past; they’re part of the world they live in, to transform threatening environments into dangerous ones and communicate the hostility of the world. “Easy” sections lighter on combat allow themselves to exist in order to punctuate the danger for feelings of peace, introspection, foreboding; Kiln of the First Flame, Lost Izalith, the empty space in Anor Londo. Challenge is part of the aesthetic, but it’s not *the* aesthetic.

Something I noticed even when I was playing DS3 as my first Souls game, and have only grown more vindicated on as I’ve gone back, is that the slow combat is much better to emphasise the games’ stellar visual design than the faster-paced lean the newer games have taken. Taking DS3 as the example, most combat encounters with anything too much harder than basic Hollows take a lot of focus to the point where it’s hard to take in anything that’s around me until they’re done, and in bossfights I’m spending too much focus on the attack cues to focus on really anything else. Not that DS1 doesn’t take focus, but there’s enough downtime *during* combat to take in everything else; to focus in on bossfights, there’s only one fight in DS3 - Gael - who I’ve been able to appreciate for anything except for the kinetic feel, whereas one of my favourites in DS1, being Gaping Dragon, I love for practically everything *but* the gameplay.

It’s probably not that surprising from this to hear that I have more of a strained relationship with From’s later titles, but this game really hits such a good blend of atmospheric exploration and slow and simple yet punishing combat that I just can’t get enough of, even when it’s not putting its best foot forwards. Anyway I can’t wait for King’s Field to beat my ass