This is the Avengers: Endgame of the Trails Sky/Crossbell/Cold Steel arc and it definitely sticks the landing! You play as three different characters, and each route is enjoyable. If you've played Cold Steel IV, then you know what you are in for gameplay-wise. The story is great and had its fair share of surprises. So Trails fans won't be disappointed. Once I got to the end, it was sad saying goodbye to all the characters I've spent so much time with over the years. But if you complete the Reverie Corridor, you'll get some glimpses of where Falcom is going (and might be going) with the series. The future looks bright. It's looking like Falcom will continue to be one of the best JRPG developers in the industry.

I played Sackboy: A Big Adventure almost entirely multiplayer with my friends. Overall, it was a good, fun experience. Things would get quite hectic with the camera when playing with friends and sometimes it was difficult to tell who was who when bunched up together despite us having different costumes for our characters. Minor aggravations aside, the game was worth our time. Best thing about this game for sure is the soundtrack. It's seriously damn good. So, if you are a fan of collect-a-thon platformers, you should give this one a try.

I'm not really a fan of beat-em-ups, but Midnight Fight Express was a fun time. While the story was bunk and the graphics aren't much to look at, the gameplay was where it was at. Nothing overly complicated, but that was fine with me. Once I got some good skills, the game started to feel like I was playing The Raid meets John Wick. The combat is what will keep you interested. For that alone, it is worth the price of admission.

The fact that this game holds up 28 years after its original release (1995) seriously shows how fantastic the game is. Great music, great story, great combat, and enjoyable characters. Really glad that I FINALLY got around to playing and beating this gem. Definitely one of the greatest RPGs of all-time.

The first half of The Messenger was good, but the second half really brought down the experience for me. It just felt tedious and the checkpoint system didn't do it any favors. I know the game is a nod to the old school, but sometimes that old game design needs to stay in the past in my opinion. By time I had beat the game, I was glad that it was over. I didn't hate it, but it was just okay.

Gotham Knights was an okay game. The story was good, but everything wrapped around it was the issue. The combat was fine, but the process of getting from mission to mission was repetitive. Which can be said about any open-world game really. But in this game, you could REALLY feel it. I'd say it's worth playing for the story, but only if you can get the game on the cheap.

South of the Circle was a good game. I enjoyed the story and the way it was told and was surprised by how tense the game got towards the end. Despite seeing a trailer for it, wasn't sure where the game was going to take me. I'm glad I gave it a shot.

I'm a fan of the Assassin's Creed series, but I think Valhalla felt bloated. Even the base game is massive. The combat was really fun. I enjoyed the story and some of the characters, but it didn't seem as focused as the games that came before it in the series. Ubisoft has got to start reeling in the scope of the AC games, cause the size of these open worlds are getting beyond ridiculous. With the way Valhalla wrapped up though, I'm certainly interested in seeing where the series is going.

Monster Hunter Rise was a good game. BUT…this is no Monster Hunter World. Maybe World spoiled me. Everything in World just felt more epic. The soundtrack, the fights, the environments. Rise never gave me that same feeling. It just felt watered down in comparison. I did appreciate some of the improvements made to make it more accessible though.


Sifu is really good. It's not for the faint of heart though. It's a tough game, but the combat is so enjoyable that I will say that the frustration is worth it. As for the story, there really isn't one. It's your basic revenge tale. It's just there to move you from point A to point B, kicking ass (and a lot of it) along the way. You can tell that Sloclap is a fan of old-school and modern martial arts flicks. The set pieces and imagery for a lot of the fights is some top-tier stuff. Looking forward to seeing what the developer is working on next.

The combat was just okay, but it was the story, world, visuals, and characters that made the game shine.

An amazing game! The story, the characters, the voice acting, the soundtrack, the world, the combat; so much care and thought went into this game. Sucker Punch really outdid themselves with this one. The graphics are great. The performances during the cutscenes really helped get you into the story and the cinematography during the duels and major moments of the game are amazing. I even felt that the open-world design didn't cause fatigue for me like most open-world games do, which was very refreshing.


Simple, charming, and enjoyable. Not much more I can say about this game than that honestly. An easy recommend. Especially if you need a short game to play after playing an open world game or a game you've spent 100+ hours on.

Puzzles never got frustrating, beautiful graphics, and the soundtrack was damn good. While I wasn't a big fan of the traversal and I would have liked a fast travel to get back to cleared areas faster, those flaws weren't bad enough to ruin my enjoyment of the game.

I had never heard of the series, but had seen that it scored well on OpenCritic, so I decided to take a chance on it after watching a trailer. I'm glad I did. While you could tell that the dev was working on a budget, it didn't take away from the soul of the game. The story was interesting, with some good characters, and fun combat. While the game had its flaws, I don't feel it was anything bad enough to not recommend this to anyone who enjoys action RPGs.