It's an outstanding game. Most of the characters are great, the narrative is great, and the combat is really fun. The story had me intrigued and kept me guessing all the way to the end. Can't recommend this game enough.

The fact that this game holds up 28 years after its original release (1995) seriously shows how fantastic the game is. Great music, great story, great combat, and enjoyable characters. Really glad that I FINALLY got around to playing and beating this gem. Definitely one of the greatest RPGs of all-time.

For a game that didn't release in the US until 1990, it still has enough going for it to be enjoyable. The QoL features, added thanks to the Pixel Remaster, helps that. The story isn't going to blow your mind in the year 2023, but the story and the gameplay was good enough to keep you pushing forward.

The combat was just okay, but it was the story, world, visuals, and characters that made the game shine.

You have to approach Soul Hackers 2 with your expectations in check to get enjoyment out of it in my opinion. This is definitely no Persona 5. While the characters and story kept me interested enough to stick with the game, the bland dungeons and overall presentation were the major flaws that brought the game down. Even though I didn't hate it, I find it hard to recommend this game.

Elden Ring was my first FromSoft game. So there was a lot of hesitation about giving it a chance due to everything I had heard about the difficulty of their games. But Game Informer's coverage of it and all the glowing reviews after that, slowly started convincing me that maybe...just maybe this was worth a shot. I sure am glad I decided to do just that. I was nervous, anxious, and frightened when I started. But slowly I started finding my groove. If I got my ass kicked by a boss or even a regular enemy, I'd get right back to the fight if it was my fault for not being patient, being too confident, not dodging in time, or just having the wrong strategy to the fight. If I just wasn't ready to fight that particular enemy or be in that area, I loved that you could just go somewhere else to level up and then come back. The game design was really great, and the sense of exploration always had me wanting to see more. It just keeps pushing you to discover. Even if it gets you in trouble. Elden Ring is easily my Game of the Year so far. I absolutely loved it.

Final Fantasy III was a good game. Originally released in 1990, it has held up well. The story and combat is very basic by today's standards, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it.

Jack Move is a good, fun game. Pretty basic as far as the game design goes and the story isn't going to blow your mind, but the battle mechanics are interesting. I enjoyed the female protagonist and the supporting cast. If the dev decides to do a sequel, I'll definitely be interested.


Omno is a good game. Cozy and chill. Has simple, but beautiful graphics, a nice soundtrack, and the puzzles didn't make me want to pull my hair out. It also didn't overstay its welcome. I'd definitely recommend it.

While Arcade Spirits is no Game of the Year contender, I certainly enjoyed my time with it. It was a chill game with a good story and interesting characters.


Simple, charming, and enjoyable. Not much more I can say about this game than that honestly. An easy recommend. Especially if you need a short game to play after playing an open world game or a game you've spent 100+ hours on.

Gotham Knights was an okay game. The story was good, but everything wrapped around it was the issue. The combat was fine, but the process of getting from mission to mission was repetitive. Which can be said about any open-world game really. But in this game, you could REALLY feel it. I'd say it's worth playing for the story, but only if you can get the game on the cheap.

When I first started Citizen Sleeper, I wasn’t sure what to expect. By time the credits rolled, what I got was a great game with characters and storylines that I got invested in, and a great soundtrack as well!

An amazing game! The story, the characters, the voice acting, the soundtrack, the world, the combat; so much care and thought went into this game. Sucker Punch really outdid themselves with this one. The graphics are great. The performances during the cutscenes really helped get you into the story and the cinematography during the duels and major moments of the game are amazing. I even felt that the open-world design didn't cause fatigue for me like most open-world games do, which was very refreshing.

Coffee Talk is a definite recommend. I really enjoyed the characters and their stories. The game made me want to be a barista lol. It's a cozy, chill game worth checking out in my opinion.