9 reviews liked by Scorgh

Finally, they added what extreme sports were missing. Softcore pornography.

Muy divertido si lo juegas con el modificador de knockback y con amigos, una experiencia por la que todo el mundo deberia pasar al menos una vez

The limitations of the DS and the repetitiveness do work against a title that's meant to have so much heart (no pun intended), but the story you get to experience and the general gimmick is so captivating that it was and easy replay right after finishing it the first time



Amazing game, great music and gameplay. Multiplayer is still active and fun in 2024.



First played on Switch, then again on Linux PC

I remember getting this on Switch because I was impressed with the graphics, and how it ran on such a small device. Then it became my favorite game, and also stress relief for my life's problems in upper middle school. I think the game meant too much for me, I looked too deep into it. I later on became a fan for more... normal reasons.

It's a really good FPS campaign. It revived DOOM. What more do I need to say. It really got me into boomer shooters too.



This game persona 5 better than.

tengo 9000 horas y NO lo recomiendo

ese no sabe ni hacer la O con un canuto