Releasing the same day as a Nintendo Direct and a State of Play was so unlucky of it, this is easily the best platformer I've ever played and I really hope the marketing team does it more justice when it releases on console

Good game but the second time it's way more boring

I am bad at it but I'm loving this so much

corporate artstyle, lamer sound design, removed the super fun star system so there's no point to defeating enemies or being fast anymore, no substantial new content

just not it


played it going in underleveled on purpose and it was fun as fuck, really hope the remake has a hard mode of some sort

still the fucking best

Some maps are complete ass but overall a really cool experience, really wish we had another game taking place in Elibe

Played it all in one sitting! Gotta admit I wasn't expecting an april fools 3 hour visual novel joke game to have some of the most charm and best characterisation in a Sonic game since Sonic Unleashed, really fun experience!

Best gameplay experience in Sonic since SA2 and Unleashed

Sonic Superstars is basically the New Super Mario Bros of Sonic and I mean that in the best way possible

This is the most vanilla, boneless, standard 2D Sonic experience you're ever gonna get, it does exactly what it sets out to do and goes no further than that in the slightest. But again, that's not really a bad thing, it wasn't meant to be anything more, it was a very low scope videogame after all

Even if it's basically "New Super Sonic Bros", it does have some stuff that makes it stand out like some very fun playable characters, a more experimental level design philosophy akin to Sonic CD's (good thing, if you ask me), with very gimmick heavy levels and very charming and memorable setpieces, especially considering how vanilla its level themes are

I've been a very big fan of this game's art direction since the very beginning, I always loved Naoto Ohshima's approach to enviroments and background design, but I can't help but feel this game feels way too cheap and safe with its graphic presentation, it doesn't really have anything it can call its own: It's not heavily stylized like Sonic 1 or Sonic CD, it doesn't go for any kind of interesting cel-shading style, it looks just like any other scrimblo bimblo 3D videogame and I think Sonic should strive for a bit more visual identity, especially considering its roots in 80s CGI aesthetic from the very beginning. And it really doesn't help that most zone themes don't really feel THAT unique, most of them feel like different takes on zones we already had before except maybe Cyber Station, so yeah even if the art direction is great, the graphical style bogs it down a ton for me. Say what you want about that game but Balan Wonderworld was a way better display of Naoto Ohshima style as a whole and nobody's getting me out of this boat

The big elephant in the room is the music, we all know the music in this game isn't great but I think the reception to it has been way, WAY too harsh especially considering how you can very easily tell this game's soundtrack was not ready for release in the slightest, so it isn't really fair to criticize for what it is, it's very obvious they wanted to do so much more with it but probably due to mismanagement and bad direction they just weren't able to. This game has a whopping NINETEEN composers, which is way too much for a 2D platformer, most of them have never even worked on Sonic before, my guess is that they probably just asked the one SST composer that was available that week to make a few tracks and just add them to the pile with zero cohesion or direction whatsoever. EVEN SO, this game still has some very cool tracks, all of Tee Lopes' are good and I'm a very big fan of Lagoon City Act 2, I'm a sucker for Saturn era styled music for Sonic so I really fuck with the ethereal vibe that one gives off. Don't be too harsh on the composers on social media, kay?

The overall gameplay was pretty good, physics didn't feel exactly 1:1 to Mania like they said they would but they feel accurate enough, even if they're not perfectly equal to Mania's they're still the best in the series by far, so in that aspect this game is a big home run, having a 3D game that feels almost 1:1 with the classic games is such a miracle and it should not be understated. We gotta talk about those bosses though, these have got to be some of the worst if not THE WORST bosses in the entire franchise, most of them aren't even that bad but they take SO DESPAIRINGLY LONG because almost all of them follow the pattern of "wait -> dodge -> attack -> repeat" and they got like 10 seconds of invulnerability after you hit them, they're such a pace-breaker, not a single one of them was fun in the slightest, ESPECIALLY the final boss, I never want to play that again. Despite that, I think there's a good reason as to why these bosses are designed like this, and that relates to the next topic

Multiplayer is... WEIRD, it doesn't feel playtested at all, I tried it out with a friend of mine and we encountered like at least 10+ game breaking bugs, including running in slow motion, staying in a ball form with no ability to move, DROWNING OUTSIDE WATER??, and more. And most level gimmicks don't even work properly, you can tell they were made for single player first and they didn't even bother testing them out for multiplayer. But despite how garbage it is, it's really fun when you and your partner(s) know what you're doing, if you're skilled at 2D Sonic you'll probably have a great time and I can't wait to play more of it, especially because the bosses are actually kinda fun in multiplayer, the waiting sections feel way less empty when there's other people moving around on the screen, and dodging boss attacks as a team is also fun, bosses are definitely a bit more enjoyable on multiplayer

Overall, it's a really solid experience, but don't expect this to be the next big step for Sonic or even 2D Sonic, this basically falls in line with what Mario was doing during the 2011-2016 era of just making "another Mario game" with no real flare to them, it's basically just another Sonic game.


oh and I don't care about Battle Mode BYE

This review contains spoilers

As someone that never could really get into Three Houses; either because of it's overwhelming amount of content, decisions to make or just the fact that they drop you in the middle of a whole ass hub world filled with characters and different stuff to do; Engage feels like a breath of fresh air for fans of classic FE like me, it does an amazing job at welcoming new and returning players to its mechanics and gameplay loop, with simple to understand but very interesting and deep Ring system and overall tons of new stuff to shake up the formula and keep me invested

I heard some complaints about the character designs being too "anime" which I can honestly understand, but I just think that has to do with anime getting more and popular especially during the early 2000s. Fire Emblem was always anime as hell, it's just that anime has recently been leaning into character designs with big eyes, colorful hair, exaggerated proportions, etc., I think Fire Emblem has always been a trend chasing franchise in that regard, so that didn't bother me much

I especially liked the characters from the Solm queendom! I really like it when Fire Emblem has more informal characters because it feels like a breath of fresh air over all the regal-infused talk and formal stuff.

Story took a backseat on this one though, we're back to the "You're the chosen one, kill the evil dragon" structure but I'm honestly fine with it since they haven't really done it in a good while. The dialogue was some of the corniest I've ever read and honestly? It doesn't bother me that much, in fact I really liked it! I'm a Sonic fan, I don't need a story to be coherent, cohesive, serious or whatever, I just want it to make me feel things, to be fun and enjoyable to experience, and it sure did, this was one of the cheesiest stories I have ever experienced in a videogame, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Supports were a bit too much for me though, I started skipping most of them halfway through the game

I'm not the biggest Fire Emblem nerd tbh, I played most of them but only ended up beating a handful, but I really appreciate what they did with the Emblems fan-service wise, it really feels like an anniversary game with all the Paralogues dedicated to each character (some of them even copy maps from the original games tile by tile which is a very nice touch), especially with characters like Lyn, Eirika or Ike I was super excited to hear them talk, I really enjoy this "Heroes of Legend" approach to old Fire Emblem protagonists, really makes it feel like a connected cohesive world that evolves but remembers its history, even when they are probably thousands of years apart of each other

Overall, a really enjoyable experience! I really think the game's getting WAAAAY too bashed for not being Three Houses 2, and imo it's a way better first entry than 3H if you're trying to get into the series, it really has that accomplishing crossover feel where it makes you want to play those older games and experience those stories these characters went through

Super corny and super fun, just the way I like it