Everything I knew about Australia as a child was from this one game (and The Crocodile Hunter). Fuck that level with the Abominable Snowman guy, though

Mishimas fucking everything up since forever and a day. We Stan Messy Families but unfortunately their messes also include war crimes

I 100% this game because I am a filthy completionist but that is hours of my life I can never get back. I only gave this game 2 stars for the addictive gameplay and flavour text And the costumes with that 0.5 for Edea and Ringabel like RIP these two the best characters in the game trapped in a overly pretentious meta plot and boring ass party members

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Not only does it have a pretty solid plot that deals with topics like historical revisionism with excellent visuals, Suga and Shiori are Straights with Rights

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The main quartet are arguably the strongest aspect of this game which is why I gave it a 2. Unfortunately it suffers because it's a poorly done Jesus analogue that is made even worse with the revelations in Episode Ardyn. This is a Bahamut callout post by the way

Also despite having the relationship between Noctis and Luna being a central point in the story, we are only told that they are in love for some reason, with barely anything to help us get invested in it. Unlike in FF8, which I also didn't like, at least Squall/Rinoa, despite being bland as unseasoned soup, is visible, which is unfortunately WAYYYYYYYYY more than I can say for the ghost of a suggestion that is NoctLuna

JoshNeku. That's it. That's the review.


Best story/worldbuilding Supergiant's done so far, but the gameplay loop is so ass that minus one star

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My favorite "twisted" Alice in Wonderland, if only for the fact that Liddell is nothing like Alice. The first ending terrified me as a child. The second/"true" one made me cry.

Loved the original flash game Detective Grimoire, so I'm happy to boost the rating of this one :)

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I WANTED this to be good so badly. I was able to deny how much I wasn't enjoying this game until they introduced the existence of the herbology professor (I think?), who just like the past 5-6 objects/persons in the fetch quest that was the main plot was introduced out of nowhere and was of no consequence as soon as the next fetch quest object/person was revealed.

There's nothing wrong with stories like this, at least in theory - but at least have the decency to make it not quite as obvious. Also, any sort of flavor text would have been nice...

Really underrated HM entry, TBH. I kinda wish this got a remake...

In terms of time limit Harvest Moons, I greatly prefer Innocent Life.

You can ship flowers! It's only nostalgia and the fact I got my hands on More Friends late that I prefer FoMT to this (though TBH I wouldn't have it any other way)

A buggy mess...but it's OUR buggy mess!

I still mourn the loss of an A-button attack that means anything. Also, the plot and railroading was the opposite of fun.