9 Reviews liked by SephasD

It is unfortunate I did not enjoy this game as much as I thought I would. The first few hours were excellent. I liked the atmosphere and level design quite a lot. However, once I obtained the grappling gun I felt like the entire game fell apart.

I feel like this game has terrible controls. It never felt like Samus would do anything that I wanted her to do. She is floaty and unwieldy. The moment to moment gameplay is simply not satisfying enough. It was not fun to platform or shoot enemies in this game at all.

People claim they love these types of games because they love to explore. Walking into a room and bombing every square inch of it is not exploring or clever design. Some obscure bomb placement is either going to give you 5 missiles or the required powerup I have been trying to find for half an hour.

However, this game still has a lot of really good elements that I enjoyed. It had a fantastic beginning and ending. The game looks and sounds great. The world itself was very interesting to walk around in. Some moments of this game were truly brilliant and I respect the game designers for the work they did in making the map feel cohesive. I understand why people love it, but it was not for me.

A história é boa, mas o combate é meio 🐒🙉

Me diverti bastante com o combate e com a platina

Provavelmente uma das melhores experiências cooperativas que eu já tive em jogo, me diverti muito jogando com o meu irmão na época. 🙉🐒

Em algum momento irei rejoga e ver se mudo de opinião