Best story.
Great characters.
I personally don't find the controls to be wonky or anything. Plus I prefer the weight of this game over the others.
This game has amazingly good singleplayer expansions.
This game and III/VC/SA are the ones I go back to the most but this one is the game I have played the most. It never really gets old.
Also, the multiplayer was so much fun in this game. Had to be there.

My personal favorite 3D Mario platformer of all time.
What is there to say? It has my favorite art style, atmosphere, worlds/levels, music etc. etc.
You goddamn beauty of a game!

"We're going back to our roots!"
Had no involvement in the development of the first game IE: The roots.
"We wanted a more mature sounding Frank."
Doesn't ask or rather didn't want to ask original VA.
Takes out timers
Takes out psychopaths
*Doesn't add escorting survivors back in
Terrible story, worse gameplay than DR3, Frank is basically a different character, world is pretty badly designed and more I don't feel like typing about.
Yeah, this feels exactly like you went back to "your" roots.


I very much enjoyed this game. It was fresh, fluid and fun. I also appreciate that I don't have to constantly switch between weapons in this one.

Boring game. Disappointing story. Unlikable protagonist. Boring power reskins. Short. Easy to 100%. I miss Cole. Curse you good ending of Infamous 2.

My favorite janky game of all time.

Pre-ordered this. Mistake. Finished the main story. Boring. Mistake. Used mods and put near 300 hours in. Fun. Mistake.

I don't know. I actually love this one, despite it's issues. I love them all despite their respective issues.