5 reviews liked by ShadowBraixen

Well this is a remake I thought I'd never see! The original Pac-man World means so much to me, I have so many happy memories playing it and I still play it to this day. Finding out that it was getting a remake made me both excited and worried. We have seen so many remakes and remasters come out in recent times. Some succeeding, others... not so much.

Pac-man World Re-Pac is exactly what you want from a remake. It fixes a lot of issues and does a great job modernising it for modern consoles. My only complaint is I didn't enjoy the new cutscenes. The original cutscenes has such an odd charm that I loved, but that's just my preference and it's such a minor issue.

Overall, Pac-man World Re-Pac is a blast to play and looks better than ever with its beautiful artstyle. I'm so happy to see Pac-man World get a remake and I really hope more people give it a go. It's going to be interesting to see what the future holds for Pac-man.

I almost forgot. They fixed Anubis Rex!

Is there really anything bad about this game? It's a perfect racing game. Great track design, perfect controls and speed, colorful characters and worlds that fit perfectly with Crash, and the best single player mode in any kart racer. Naughty Dog made a kart racer better than Mario Kart their first time trying. Crash Team Racing is amazing.

This game barely gets 4 stars from me because of how abysmal the camera control is. Seriously, I know this is an old game, but some of the fights the camera puts up puts Super Mario 64 to shame. You're better off just not fighting with the camera though you will probably miss some collectibles.

On the other hand, I really like the pacing and challenge of a lot of levels in this game. It actually reminds me a lot of Crash Bandicoot with how you must always be on your toes. The levels are more varied here than usual in CB which makes them mostly stand out from each other.

Sometimes you don't need a giant open world, or a grand story, sometimes you just need a fun classic 3D platformer. Pac-Man World 2 is one of my personal favorites it has tight controls, good linear levels, and great atmosphere capture everything I want to see in a 3D platformer. I think Tree Tops (the second world) displays everything I love about this game. Climbing trees in the dusk with an atmospheric soundtrack playing while bouncing on trampolines. It's simple and it works.
+ Amazing atmosphere
+ Great level design
+ Challenging
+ Great controls
+ The underwater levels are actually good and have good controls
+ Tokens unlock Pac-Man arcade games which is pretty cool
+ Great OST
+ Really neat ideas like ice skating and using a submarine
- The fact that if you miss one thing in a level you have to completely replay and re-obtain every collectable
- The time trials are a little too tight for my taste

This game is playable but it’s super janky and broken. Great music. Gameplay can be fun. They’ve added extra missions and unlockable game gear games. Aside from that same game as the original with updated graphics. Game still feels dated but worth the five bucks you can get it for on steam when it’s on sale.