Best Mario Kart game by a distance

Whoever made this is the most evil bastard in history


Really cool concept for a game, it's aged kinda well and is still a good bit of fun

Dumb fun with friends but gets kinda repetitive.

I'm pretty sure it's shitness is intentional but this game is dreadful. Probably fun with friends but the lack of tutorial + actually working features really harms it.

Really fun and quirky game, a bit longer than I'd have made it but the self awareness and level design is great + it actually makes you have to think about things in a unique way

Probably the best puzzle game ever made. Wheatley and GLaDOS are so charmingly well written as characters, the story is great, the mechanics are super fun to work with, it's an incredible play

Honestly a lot shorter than I expected, still a solid base for Portal 2 to grow on and does it's job really well.

Sucks that this game was so short because it was so fun. Incredible map, the weapon choice is incredible + combo weapons were unreal (love you Reaper), the focus on Co-op is great and not having to escort each survivor is a lovely feature,

Does well to establish the base for Dead Rising 2 to grow on but it's kinda pointless, though the save file crossing over to the main game is neat as all hell.

Even though it's unneccesary this game is still just as much of a blast as the original. Frank's moveset works so well in Fortune City, the map extension was amazing and Sandbox mode is PERFECT for a game like Dead Rising. AI somehow sucked though.

Fun for it's time but I don't think I'm ever going to replay this one again. It's great but in comparison to the first 2 it doesn't have the same amount of impact for me. Combo weapons and story are super fun though.

Such a fun game, even if it is a bit too easy once you get some levels. AI is MASSIVELY improved, Chuck's a bit more dry than Frank is but he's still a great protagonist, the bosses are great, probably the best DR game.

Hasn't aged the best with how poorly it ported to XB1/PS4 and with how dreadful survivor AI is, but the game is still enjoyable and was a blast to try to 100%.