I never had a PS3 when I was younger, I was a Wii kid until 2014 where I went with Xbox because my friends had Xboxs.

I am so glad I wanted to go back and play the games I missed, Sly 1 is truly amazing.

Years ago, Persona 3 opened my eyes.
It was possibly one of my highest peaks of gaming, the game showed me what a truly amazing story is and made me cry for the first time.

On launch day, I woke up so early that the sun hadn't even come up yet. I drove down to pick up my Aigis Edition as soon as the store opened and holding it in my hands, I knew this game would change my life once more.

As soon as the opening began to play, I smiled.. One thing I love is music, and Persona 3 means so much to me. I knew immediately what to expect, peak.

I continued through the game, my favourite social links were now voiced and moments that hit me as a kid hit me even more now as a young adult/adult.

Before I knew it, it was over. The wonderfully remade Kimi No Kioku flooded my ears, my eyes immediately began to well up.

This is art, not just a game. This story is NECESSARY to experience by my standards.

Very fun, short and sweet metroidvania! Highly recommend if you like love-live! (Yohane is my fave so I was so happy to play this!)

For Christmas of 2022, I was gifted the Kingdom Hearts: The Story so far pack.. I finished all of them within the span of three weeks.. they're great games.

For Christmas of 2022, I was gifted the Kingdom Hearts: The Story so far pack.. I finished all of them within the span of three weeks.. they're great games.

Pretty refreshing take on a Persona spinoff, the gameplay is fun and the story is good. Phantom Thieves do take a bit of a backseat but to be honest it's to be expected, they've had their story and now they're here to help develop someone elses.

Good game but Royal is easier to find and usually cheaper now too, I suggest you play Royal for the full experience.

Every year, an indie game crawls out of obscurity and into the the light. Lethal Company is 2023's surprise contender.
While there's an objective to complete, that's not where the satisfaction is found. This game is incredibly fun with friends, and will create lasting memories that you will cherish when thinking back on this silly little indie you played.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 builds on what made the first game so great, the combat has been refined so it's not so repetitive and feels like you can really express yourself with the ability to pick and choose your special moves. However, what holds this game back is the post-game content that feels a lot less enjoyable. My biggest gripe with the first game was having to do 5 crimes in each district, which could lead to swinging around for ages before a crime would pop up. This has been removed from the sequel, but has been replaced with excessive spider-bot collectables and repetitive nests.

why is there no solo mechanic, i have no friends and cant progress the story.

i feel like infinite got done dirty

i'll give it 2 stars because i get to play as Kinzie

i was really excited for this game after hearing all the praise but it was definitely overhyped because of the boob woman who was in the game for half an hour

People ask me what my favourite capcom game used to be.