16 reviews liked by ShiroV

esse jogo é uma MERDA, a gameplay é uma merda e ele roda mal pra caralho. dito isso, é um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos... vocês não entenderiam

proud to be the first half star on this game

Lloyd Bannings is such a bad fucking character and it's only upsetting because I can't even like Zero the same way I used to largely because of it

Love to make a character entirely about "I overcome the odds" and "I have a mystery backstory" only to have that mystery backstory be the worst written thing you've ever seen

I just watched someone play CS1 after being immensely disappointed by Azure and they immediately lost their mind over Class VII having like
Actual growth and conflict and any writing whatsoever that isn't "We must overcome the barrier...we must save Crossbell...🙂"

im so toxic cause any time someone livetweets Azure I'm just desperate to see them get to CS1 instead

Kiseki discourse would be a lot simpler if Azure fans just talked about their game like this instead of calling you slurs for thinking it's the worst one

Azure fans when characters are written to have flaws, emotions and struggles like actual human beings

En vez de gastarse la plata de la hipoteca en las animaciones debieron estudiar como diseñar juegos MAMAWEBOS.

We must appreciate the fact that the world allowed us to exist.

Shinji Mikami literalmente creo el mejor videojuego de accion de la historia y se fue a hacer God Hand sin elaborar.

Chicken Little es la película favorita de Chris Redfield, no tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas.