56 Reviews liked by Shiroumaru

Maravilhoso, porém pqp, dividir em 3 partes um jogo que cabia em 2 no máximo é coisa se mercenário..

A fun, spooky start to what may end up being a great creepypasta game.

I love creepypastas. They're spooky, fun to read, and often end with a bit of an eyeroll. Kitty Kart 64 is very similar, in that it gives all the pieces for a standard creepypasta game. However, it doesn't really expand upon them. The creator of the game will apparently expand upon it in the future, so my advice is to keep an eye on this one and try and extrapolate any lore elements you can find. I truly think we have something great on our hands, it's just too early to really see the forest through the trees.

I had fun with this game- what little there is of it- and look forward to seeing more of what's to come.

Very fun concept, buggy as all hell, now that the company has money this game desperately needs a remake

Been sitting on this for awhile. Initially didn’t think much of this game but then…

well I was shocked. This is SO dense with SO much content both story and gameplay wise and it takes you too all sorts of crazy places. PLEASE check it out if you can. It’s deeper than you think. And it’s actually very unsettling. The best mix of the best of analog horror with the best of fake retro games like Petscop.

I sometimes have the tendency to look down on these ‘Lost games' ARG BS that flood itch.io and steam. Not because they're bad or not scary but because they're always the most basic bog standard creepypasta BS you could possibly think of with very little to show for it in scares, puzzles, or clever use of the ARG format. I think the only games I’ve seen done well were Ben Drowned, Godzilla NES, and Petscop, two of those are just hi-effort Creepypastas and one that doesn't even exist. Which is why I'm glad to say that this game goes out of its way to not only pass the super low bar of lame creepypasta lost game bs; but also carve its own path as a pretty great ARG and a genuinely scary experience. Finally we can have a lost game ARG where it's not about a dead person/child controlling the game but rather something much MUCH worse.........disgruntled employees.

Also I really wanna give this game a huge thumbs up for the game's N64 like presentation. It's not one for one like the games of its era and at points you can clearly tell it’s not a game that could’ve worked on a real N64, but they make it work in the lore of the ARG along with still having the ability to make the atmosphere all the more dreadful by going for a more basic lower quality look.

I don't have much else I wanna say about it without giving away spoilers but I do think the puzzles are a little too obtuse at times but the game was designed to be a community driven ARG experience so really if anything they did too good of a job if you think about it. But overall it's just a really solid horror experience I'm glad I gave a chance instead of just scrolling past it like any other itch.io ARG creepypasta schlock.

incredibly and impressively faithful recreation of old scott cawthon shovelware! unfortunately, that means the game is like old scott cawthon shovelware.

the concept is neat, it kinda feels like what fnaf would have been if released now with the lore all written out. the newspaper clippings make reference to people like henry who really didnt exist until sister location or UCN or cassidy getting a mention. the game being in a actual space and not just pngs also does it a lot of favours and makes it feel more real. when the carousel freaks out you can see it from 2 separate cameras which is cool. the game felt a bit easy until the secret night that being said. i dont think it can replace the OG game, a lot of the scariest and mystery is gone, cassidy is rather in your face but i think its very solid.

KinitoPet has lots of merits but it falls flat as a horror experience. The old internet aesthetic is very neat and some of the 4th wall breaks give some chills. However the abuse of jumpscares, flashing images and creepy faces(Analog horror tropes) makes it a really annoying game to sit through.
Not to mention that it almost crosses the line of fake malware. The developer really has potential to make something unique and great in the future, but overall the premise is much more interesting than the execution.

Its cats that make soup and you can give them funny costumes literally a 100/10

this game has done more to fix my sleep schedule than anything else i've tried in the past 6 years and that's gotta count for something

Genuinely one of the most captivating and haunting worlds and atmospheres and just stories in general I've seen in a video game, especially in recent memory. There are countless references, nods and just overall similarities to other properties, but instead of copying or just inspiration in general it takes those concepts and morphs them into something completely new and unique and incredibly inspirational just by itself.

The gameplay is like a top down Silent Hill (In the spirit of the first 4) with RPG elements. And while the first game got repetitive and got worse after you learned more, this game only gets better the more you know and with the addition of more skills, party members, tons of replayability with not only Playable Characters but routes and endings to do, and the music and art are dramatically improved as well.

The best part is its not even done being updated, so the games just going to keep getting better.

If difficulty doesn't scare you, give this game a try. Even if you're scared, give it a go with the infinite saves mod. As long as you get enjoyment out of the game "cheating" doesn't matter!

I can't wait to see what else comes out of the mind of Miro. We've truly hit a golden age of creativity in this medium, especially in the indie space, and games like this just prove that Video Games can be more than just games.

I don’t care what people say about gen 8, I loved the shit out of the games. I loved dynamax battles, and this felt like a good pokémon game, very very overhated.

I am a firm believer that games, at heart, are an art form. They exist like all other art mediums not for any extrinsic value such as money or fame, but for the inherent beauty that they posess. Art, for the sake of art.

Yet, this "game", or rather I should call it, kitsch, goes against all of those values. Yes, the waifus are hot, which is why this gets more than a half star rating. But in terms of its design, it's clear that every aspect around this piece of kitsch revolves around making mihoyo money. And to be fair, there's nothing wrong with that. What I take offense to is the idea that this is somehow a game. Call it a digital experience, a interactive simulator, whatever, but don't call it a game. It lacks any sort of artistic merit or creative vision needed for pixels on the screen to be classified as a game by me.

The story, while better than genshit, is still hilariously bland and generic. Characters pop out of nowhere and are introduced with gaping holes in the plot and lopsided development, all for the sole reason so that they can later be sold as 5 stars a few months down the line. The environment and world, while beautiful, is hollow and static: there's no life to be found in the scenery here, only eye-candy setpieces and window-dressing that fades in the midst of time. For all the expansive set of characters and lore, there is nothing to keep me caring or invested in any of it due to the stylistically uneven and overly flowery writing and bad story. The gameplay, while passable (another reason why it doesn't get a 0.5/5 star rating), has almost zero connection to the story and feels forced in, like at a boardroom meeting a bunch of mihoyo executives looked at a chart and determined that the target audience wanted turn-based combat rather than considering whether said turn-based combat would work in the context of every other part of the game.

And really, that's my main concern with this game. Up until I abandoned it out of pure disgust, the entire game felt...constructed. Every single stylistic and gameplay choice made in this game felt formulaic and -- again -- made with the goal of monetization. Every single dialogue line felt forced and made with some ulterior goal or motivation rather than being spoken for the sake of speech itself.

If you want to play a "game", don't play this, because it simply is not one. It's a highly elaborate interactive gacha simulation with all the beauty, creativity, vision, and perspective that makes games one of my favorite artistic mediums ripped out and replaced with shady monetization and shameless sexualization.

Overall Rating: 1/5 (Dumpster Fire)

eu abomino pachinko e acho que tudo que tem sequer resquícios dessa porra deveria ser CRIME. não dá pra desvincular esse jogo do gacha mas, em jogos de farmar dinheiro com o mesmo escopo, esse aqui dá pra se divertir e jogar normalmente sem gastar nada bem de boa.

não acho genshin ruim, é bem divertido de jogar na real. o combate é satisfatório, a movimentação também, e o mundo aberto é cheio de coisa pra fazer. uma pena o gacha impedir de ser muito mais, pq tem algo interessante aqui. pra um jogo gratuito isso é incrível. você não precisa pagar nada pra jogar. se a fandom desse jogo é imbecil e tem um culto pelos personagens, são outros 500. se eu tivesse jogado isso criança ia ficar viciadíssimo. recentemente relançaram grand chase >exatamente< como era e foi muito cômico ver as pessoas defendendo aquele jogo. certas coisas são boas apenas na memória. até agora tô tentando entender pq relançaram ele naquele estado patético que a kog deixou. mas aqui não é o caso. se relançarem daqui 15 anos e as pessoas jogarem, vai continuar sendo divertido, pq é.

mas claro... gacha, né? como eu odeio gacha, pqp. entretanto, queria dar uma perspectiva diferente pra genshin. vocês sabem que ele é chinês, certo? eu penso bastante nisso. genshin impact terminou 2022 arrecadando quase QUATRO BILHÕES de dólares. um jogo chinês. a gente sempre vê que a china não é bem um socialismo, e sim um "socialismo de mercado". mesmo no capitalismo, quando se há um pouco de socialismo, acaba dando algo bem menos... nocivo? novamente, esse jogo é bem divertido, polido e SEM pay wall. se comparar com diablo immortal, porra, é uma obra-prima. curioso, não?

enfim, isso é apenas uma observação. não dá pra afirmar nada pq é o primeiro sucesso chinês numa parte muito específica (e totalmente anti consumidor) dessa indústria. em nome do pai, do filho e do espírito santo, longe de mim defender qualquer fragmento do capitalismo. paz entre nós, guerra aos senhores. amém.

very cool website can you imagine how cool it would be if there were like any normal people on here?