My girlfriend and I wanted an RPG to play through together, and I don't think our decision could have been better.

Fallout 3 has something for everyone; action, politics, awesome levelup/perk mechanics, VATS, comedy, exploration. The works.

However, saying this, the game did kind of just... end. It wasn't really clear that we were on the final mission until the credits started rolling.

While we may have moved on for now, I can see us coming back soon to play through the countless missions awaiting us, including all the DLCs.

The original Diamond/Pearl I'd give a 9/10.
However, unlike the remakes of Ruby/Sapphire, this remake is extremely bland, and basically a copy paste of the originals but with less charm and less innovation.
I got no real sense of nostalgia or excitement playing this game which is a shame because the original is so good and was the source of hundreds of hours of fun.
What bumped this game up ever so slightly for me was the underground expansion, and even that wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be.
They need to add a hard mode to Pokemon these days, or AT LEAST let us turn off the Exp Share, because this game is far too easy and the Exp Share is absolutely broken. I only blacked out once, and that was against the champion AND only cos I missed the move that would have won me the game.
The main joy I got out of this was being able to actually get Mew/Manaphy/Phione/Jirachi legitimately for the first time in years, and that really had nothing to do with the game


(Played on PC, just didn't play Lost Chapters)

I think being British made this easier to play.

While fun most the time (combat not being too bad considering when it was released), this game could be pretty frustrating with a nonsensical map/fast travel system as well as being a generally janky game.
Saying that - it has a lot of charm and clearly the developers had fun making it, creating a game that doesn't take itself so seriously while taking itself seriously. The story was pretty much pointless, and you can easily become very powerful very quickly.
A lot of mechanics are unpolished/unfinished, for example the guards/trespassing which could cause major frustration in the wrong moment
Fun game though, looking forward to playing Fable 2

This game can be the most entertaining game combat-wise with it's cinematicity and most fights feeling fresh and different, interesting developed characters and a nicely streamlined yet intricate way to upgrade skills & relationships.

This game, however, can also be mind numbingly boring and repetitive when it makes you sit through what can essentially be a 1-2 hour cut scene out of nowhere, with no chances to save. I genuinely believe that ~40+ hours of the game was dialogue. In addition, the new post game added in Royal is pretty awful and doesn't add anything new to the game, just stretches it out another 20 hours or so.

Apart from these main criticisms, I loved this game thoroughly and my girlfriend even got hooked, watching me play through roughly 80 hours of it herself. The music is catchy and funky, the UI is almost unmatched with how nice it looks and how surprisingly cleanly it functions (most the time) despite it's uniqueness.

As my first JRPG outside of Pokemon, this has shined a light to me that I may have a new favourite genre of game, and I look forward to Persona 6 whenever it may come.

Why did I play this game? Good question.

Other than 1 or 2 moments that made you say "okay that was kind of cool", for example flooding Al's entire bathroom, this game was pretty repetitive and very hard to control.

Doesn't hold up well

As a shooter, this game is super fun and has some super satisfying combat and loot collecting.

However, the maps were soooo bland, 90% of the maps looked exactly the same with the same brown dirty atmosphere. I understand that it's the 'Borderlands' and that's kind of how it's supposed to look but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

The leveling up system is nothing special, some of the perks are cool but nothing really caught my eye.

The story was nothing super exciting, and the ending kind of confused me, but perhaps I missed something. One perk was that the game didn't drag on. Took me 24 hours to complete while also completing all of the side missions, can't complain at all.

All in all, pretty fun game. Shame that the splitscreen runs at 30fps (even on ps5), otherwise I would have definitely done multiplayer and potentially had a better time

This game is incredible! This incredible co-op that I don't even know how to genre correctly never gets dull. It's funny, full of charm, has a decent story, incredible gameplay that leaves you wanting more on almost every puzzle, everything. I think the best part is the difficulty, it is almost a perfect balance for casual and hardcore gamers alike.

Probably the best co-op game I've ever played, and was sad when it was over, although it was kind of sudden. This game doesn't hold your hand but also gives you just about enough of a hint to figure out mechanics / puzzles yourself.

If you want to play a game with your significant other, or subtly get someone interested in platformers, this is your best bet.


holy shit that fighting game portion on the plane was insane

The combat in this game just feels way too frustrating and janky. I've heard such good things about this game but I could not get myself into it at all. Going to have another go with the sequel at some point but I don't have too much hope for it either.

A fun, charming puzzle game with some surprisingly challenging puzzles. I prefer this to a game that is simply puzzle after puzzle, the story/puzzles don't really have much correlation but is rewarding to complete with the addition of other rewards to collect. The music is nice, the art style is unique, and the cut scenes / voice acting is really high quality for a 2007 game.

Played this with my girlfriend and it was fun to work as a team, looking forward to playing the next one

I can't remember the last time I sat down with 3-5 of my friends and completed an entire game's campaign, let alone doing it in person.

This game was so much fun, and while it lacks a bit in character, the gameplay is very well refined and still looks good by today's standards.

Would recommend this game as a co-op for any group of 4+ players who want something fun to play

Played Co-op with a friend.
I wasn't sure what to expect going into this except a gritty shooter. And that's pretty much what I got.
For 2006 this game is pretty impressive and holds up OK.
As with a lot of games, the final boss was kind of underwhelming and with the added bonus of being unclear what you're really meant to do.
However despite all this, we had a lot of fun and the weapons + combat system in general are satisfying and only slightly annoying at times. There weren't any parts of the game that felt ridiculously hard or braindead easy, so that balance is great for consistent enjoyment throughout.
My last criticism is just that what the hell you're actually doing in the campaign is a bit of a mystery as almost nothing is explained, almost feels like we were playing a sequel.

This is a direct upgrade from GTA III. Almost all the missions are really cool and take full advantage of the engine. For some reason they made the final mission of the story one of the most boring but all the rest of them make up for it. It was a tiny bit buggy at times, and any reliance on AI calls for disaster, but is significantly better than it's predecessor.

I would probably recommend people looking to get into the series to start here, this game holds up well.

This game is definitely an upgrade to the original, but not by much. You become overpowered if you do the tiniest amount of "grinding" - eg doing a job and then being able to afford the best items quickly.
The sense of humour holds this game up from being totally terrible as it contains some great British talent, like Steven Fry.
The story feels thrown together - with limited options with how you can actually effect the story other than "do good thing" or "do bad thing".
The menu system is really bad, along with a pretty much non existent map makes the world hard to feel immersed in.
The combat becomes very repetitive and pointless after a few hours.
We had to force ourselves through the last few hours of the game.
The cut scenes were pretty cool though.
Not as much charm as the original Fable but updated mechanics made it feel a bit nicer to play. Hoping Fable 3 is better

I'd been meaning to play this game for almost 15 years, and finally I got my way through it.
This game is everything you hear it is: high fantasy, heavily role playing, and buggy of course
In terms of bugginess, the game crashing every hour on average was very frustrating. It meant that by the end I was saving every 2 minutes - not fun.
The game itself I felt had a curve of "fun". At the beginning you have the excitedness of creating a new character (I went with Breton Battlemage), then you can start exploring the world but with a lack of understanding of how everything works. Then you start hitting a low point when you realise that you picked half your major skills wrong, meaning you won't level fast. However from here things start to go upwards as you know how to level efficiently with what you've got, suddenly you're a lot more powerful. Then the game becomes a wave of very similar enemies over and over with little to no actual puzzles (which when they appear are very cool!). Towards the end I got bored and rushed the final few missions which took about 2 hours in total, pretty lacklustre.

However this game has a magic to it that is undeniable. The side quests are fun and encourage you to explore the world, the music is beautifully composed, the characters are unintentionally the funniest people ever. You can really choose what kind of character you're role playing, having choices from several factions whether you're a heroic do-gooder or a mischievous vampire thief or somewhere in between, there are many options for you!

Would recommend this to any big fans of RPGs, however I wouldn't necessarily recommend this to any casual audience - I would probably recommend Skyrim instead.

While this game is absolutely incredible, I can't say I enjoyed it as much as the first game.

While they did manage to make the mechanics fresh, I didn't feel that they were better than the originals, and the world didn't feel as new and exciting.

The fact I have to argue why I basically gave this an 8/10 instead of a 9/10 is a testament to how incredible the pair of games are