Whether you like this game or not, you can't deny that they nailed what they were going for when Nintendo made this back in 98.
It is an extremely buggy mess, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun. The artwork / music is extremely nostalgic (and awesome imo)
I love this game, even though it may not fully hold up to today's standards

This game has not aged well at all. I feel like only nostalgia / love of the future games could make you finish playing this. Gave me no reason to keep playing. At least the HD Remaster makes it look OK

I went into this game thinking that it was a classic. This game has not held up well at ALL.
The movement is clunky and difficult to get used to, the gameplay is very so-so, especially considering the fact that it is a sequel to one of most highly regarded platformers (Yoshi's Island on SNES).
However, the visuals are nice, the artstyle is cute and is a well-done evolution from the 'drawn' artstyle of it's predecessor. The music is... interesting; I didn't like it that much but I can understand why others would.
And after a bit of time playing, I got used to the controls and at some points even found it slightly rewarding. But in the end I decided it wasn't worth going back to complete all the possible levels, I'd much rather play a different game.

Also the boss fights are an absolute joke they took probably 30 seconds if I were to compile their times together because they were that easy

While I'm not a fan of "realistic" war games, by which I mean based off of the real world and modern conflicts, the campaign of Modern Warfare Remastered was (mostly) a good time.

Some missions / sections of missions are a bit rough around the edges in terms of gameplay - however most of them were well crafted, giving an all-rounder experience as you take on all kinds of missions.

The graphics look great, considering this came out the better part of a decade ago, I begin to question how Nintendo haven't caught up.

The story is slightly contrived and uninteresting apart from some more cinematic and (what I assume were supposed to be) emotional moments.

Wouldn't play again but if you're a CoD fan, or simply like modern warfare themed games, this is quite literally the game for you

At first I tried playing this game blind. About 5 hours in I realised this game is pretty much unplayable without knowing exactly where to go / what to do unless you want about 10x amount of hours.

With a guide this is a super fun game and holds up pretty well. I would always try to figure something out by myself at first before looking it up but if I figured it out it would always feel super rewarding. I just didn't feel like spending 1hr+ every time I was stuck because in the end I'd just get stuck about 10 minutes later due to the nature of the game.

I can understand why this game was so big for it's time, and as a Zelda scrub I'm looking forward to playing some of the more highly regarded titles in the future

While this game seems really cool, indepth, and something to potentially sink 100s of hours into, I just could not get into it. Maybe one day, who knows

If someone says that this is their favourite game, they are either lying, or blinded by nostalgia.

While this game has incredible charm, art style, dialogue, music, sound, the gameplay is extremely painful for a good portion of the time. In my opinion this game is about 33% too long and forces you to collect too much to allow a casual playthrough.

The boss battle at the end feels like total bs when you lose because you're then required to farm eggs & feathers again to have a chance.

I won't say I didn't have any fun in this game because there were a lot of points where I did, however the most frustrating parts overshadowed them; whether the camera made it impossible to see or the framerate dropped to ~10.

With all this said, I am going to eventually play the sequel, and I hope that they largely improve upon these issues, since this was Rare's first 3D platformer

For a demo, this is one of the best games I've played in a while. Despite being kind of short, it is VERY long for a demo with lots of depth. As a collector of retro games / consoles, this game was a joy to me as I got to go through and collect artifacts from PlayStation's history. The game itself displays beautifully what the system (and controller) are capable of.


This game fulfilled many dreams of what an open world game set in the world of Harry Potter would be. Of course it's not perfect, but all the different spells, the combat(!), the graphics, music, and general gameplay were very gratifying and had me excited to play every time I stepped away from the game. The story / characters weren't amazing and the inability to fully role play and choose my characters personality was frustrating considering you're given some differing choices, however your character would then revert back to their polite kind selves if no choice was given 1 minute later.
Overall I had a lot of fun and it's definitely up there with the must play open world games of this generation.

Played on Switch (not an option)

What a game! An incredible platformer that may not add anything new to the genre (even in '94) but makes up for that and more with it's super smooth movement, incredible art and BANGING music.

Playing this game with a friend is a guaranteed fun time, especially when emulated on a console like the Switch.

My only gripe is the control scheme on the pro controller, I wish they'd add an option to remap the buttons for the SNES games on Switch.

I wasn't sure what to expect out of Pikmin, and my first few 'days' in game worried me, once I got the hang of it, this game was so much fun!
Crash landing on an alien planet, Captain Olimar makes an unlikely bond with a race of creatures known as Pikmin, who help the player complete puzzles and fight enemies in order to retrieve all the lost parts of his ship to get back home.
While I'm not a massive fan of time limit games, I felt like the time given for each level was fair and was always a good challenge to restrategise if a day was failed.
The world building in this game is incredible, full of character and the gameplay extremely rewarding.
Very excited to play the sequels in the future

Played on Switch

It's obvious after playing this game why Mario Kart became such a hit. It's also pretty amazing how similar this game has stayed in it's 31 years of iterations, a testament to how solid the idea+execution was in the first place.

The music, art, gameplay are all very fun and especially unique in the SNES era. This is one of the best uses of the Mode 7 graphics system to simulate a pseudo-3D experience.

After all these years though, there are some parts of the game that are truly frustrating. The CPUs are essentially their own beast in this game who often have TAS level responses when it comes to dodging obstacles, paired with an unlimited supply of items that makes racing them truly a nightmare on some maps. The sound of the kart engines racing near/past you are grinding on the ears (luckily not included in 2P). And the game is just generally pretty difficult to control, especially with the lack of a brake/reverse button. Also while the Mode 7 graphics are great for it's time, most obstacles are essentially 2D and only really visible within a couple seconds of running into them, which can be pretty annoying.

Overall I was pleased with the first entry into this incredible series, but I'm certainly glad I can move onto something a bit more modern.

For a game with so much hype behind it, I felt like it was going to be easy to disappoint. However, this game alone made me feel better about boss battles from all the previous games that disappointed me!
While the run and gun levels are OK, I'd say the game really shines with it's boss battles, and it knows it.
The game is of course incredible to look at, the style is consistent and really well done, the mechanics felt smooth and super fun to move around with, and the music/sound in general really matched the vibe of the game and never got sickening to listen to when playing the same level 100 times over!
My main gripe with the game was the one or two lag spikes that happened over the course of the gameplay. I expect this is something to do with the Switch, but was still unwelcome nonetheless in a game where every micromovement matters.
I'd put this game up there with Celeste in terms of difficulty and how good it felt to beat.
Taking a break before playing the DLC because it has me feeling burnt out, but if anything I'm just excited to get back to it whenever I do!

A vibrant, fun remake of a Playstation classic.

The gameplay, while simple, is a good challenge in some parts, but randomly extremely easy in others. I could tear through 3-4 levels and then be stuck on 1 part of 1 for ages.
My main gripe with this game is the lack of a need for full 3d for many levels, partial 3d would have worked much better and having it be full didn't add anything but confusion for some. Also the hit/hurtboxes were very odd.

Other than that, the colours, music, sound design, voice acting, animations and art style made this game a pleasure to play, as a must play for platformer fans.

As someone who played 75% of this game countless times as a kid without finishing it, it was awesome to see this game remade into a title that holds up much better today.
This is seemingly the only Pokemon series where the pokemon themselves have actual character, where you can actually be emotionally invested without seeing them as just a statistic that you create your own backstory for.
The music in this game is incredible and the general sound is a blast to the past in the best way possible.
My main problem with this game is that, while the gameplay is fun, it is waaaaaaaaay too easy. No boss fight lasted longer than 1 minute and I was never in any real danger.
It's a shame that this is a repeated theme for Pokemon in the modern day; that no matter the genre / playstyle, these games are way too easy and don't offer any harder difficulties.
Also I got treecko so that was a massive bonus