A rich successor to Innocence that deepens the exploration of the bond between Amicia and Hugo, building thematic tension and diving into darker areas as the labor over Hugo's wellbeing becomes more and more strenuous, introducing questions of love and sacrifice. While the gameplay isn't a remarkable step up from the first, the storyline, soundtrack, and visuals all elevate this experience to new heights and solidify it as one of the best story games of this gaming generation.

While there isn't much substance below the surface in the story and the tension isn't as pronounced, the design makes the decisions made feel important and allow for a pretty enjoyable coop experience with friends.

An engaging card game with spooky lore lurking beneath, there is a super fun blend of strategy and spooky, existential vibes as the game twists and turns while you progress. Some sections of the gameplay felt a bit disconnected due to the act structure, but overall it was a pretty fun experience and a solid indie title!

A kinetic and aggressive soulsborne that has a combat system far exceeding its peers. With phenomenally designed opponents (for the most part) and a straightforward but dynamic move set, mastering your abilities in incredibly difficult encounters is rather satisfying. Almost all of the enemies are quite hard but very fair, meaning that learning them and yourself has marked progression to reward you. Although the story progression is a bit janky and a couple bosses are annoying and boring to fight, the overall package and the specific highlights are potentially the best ever devised.

While the titan gameplay can be frustrating and cumbersome at times, there's no denying how smooth and engaging this first-person shooter is. The kinetic combat and grand world-building bring to life a story that has humor and packs an emotional punch. While not as long as it could be, the whole package is cohesive and wonderfully delivered. What a blast!

A cinematic tale that has all the engaging plot elements necessary to make a solid film, but is bolstered further by fun co-op gameplay that really elevates the whole experience and deepens your connection with these characters. Super fun!

A monumental, open-world adventure that builds on the strengths of the first game by fleshing out and deepening the dynamics between all of the characters, both "good" and "bad". The emotional punches and compelling portrayals of beautiful masculinity make the substance of the journey even more engaging than its predecessor, offering themes that are universally applicable to our lives as the audience. While the combat and other technical gameplay elements feel pretty similar to the first, the new story and dressing make the long runtime worth your while. Such a banger!

While the campaign has a mediocre and convoluted story, the gameplay and zombies mode make the experience enjoyable enough.

A compelling story wrapped in an average game, this amnesia installment lacks a lot of the scares, tension, and atmosphere notable in the other games, making it less viscerally engaging. This is particularly disappointing due to the interesting setting and themes that had significant potential, but were ultimately squandered by underwhelming interaction. However, the substance of the plot resulting in enough to think about to make the overall experience positive.

An excellent platformer with mindbending puzzles, a solid story, and absolutely killer characters and dialogue. While the first had whispers of those elements, the second elevated everything and fleshed it out to create a dynamic and constantly engaging experience. GladDos and Wheatly are both fantastic and breathe so much life into every moment. Laughed many times and enjoyed the whole process, what a classic.

A fun shoot-em-up with grimy, neo-noir flare that adds spunk and kick to the characters. Max Payne's narration offers some comical one-liners and a general atmosphere that adds a fun flavor. The gameplay, while initially fun, can get a bit repetitive at times, but overall a solid product in the end.

Compelling, disorienting, and rather tense, this installation of Amnesia isn't as simple or tight as the other iterations but offers a more complex story with a grounded, thorough experience that is unsettling to say the least. The game balances between keeping tension and not desensitizing you to the dread-filled moments, throwing you off balance and creating the feeling Tasi has as she tries to remember and find her friends. Solid visuals, art direction, and voice acting also aid the experience. Perhaps a little drawn out and lacking satisfaction in some areas, but a very solid entry nonetheless.

Solid, polished fps that captures much of what Halo offers while updating it to keep the gameplay fresh. While the story is a bit messy, the emotional moments offer some compelling elements that breathe a bit of life into the characters and world. Better than the reputation states.


A gorgeously crafted, aesthetic exploration of grief that creates such warmth during the experience. The art direction is masterful, creating tapestries that make every scene pop with vibrant colors. The visual storytelling allows for a simple concept to flesh itself out in subtle ways, offering intrigue and engagement. The gameplay is chill, not always tricky or that engaging, but works well for the package they are offering. Excellent time!

A solid sequel that plays it a bit safe, the worldbuilding continues to expand in excellent ways as you journey through Rapture. While the gameplay is fun enough, the atmosphere and lore really take center stage in this experience. The plotline and emotional investment don't always reach fruition, but they solid enough as a backdrop to an entertaining and visceral fps.