I love the story and watched the anime, but I've found it hard to find the motivation to play the game itself. Great game, but not to my taste, it seems.

Cute and fun to play with friends! I'm simply not very good at tetris nor puyopuyo

I have so many hours in this game. I was completely smitten with it for months after I first picked it up. It's relaxing and dangerous with the false sense of productivity it gave me. The visuals are lovely, the characters are fun with a perfect combination of innocence and maturity to their stories. No skill required, which I really love, and it's very fun to mod! I only took off half a star because it does get redundant after a while, but I also haven't played through many of the developer's most recent updates.

I love this game. It has a great story, a beautiful visual style and game play that really complements the narrative. Bonus points, of course, for some quality LGBTQ rep!

This is super fun and relaxing and a great first experience with the Animal Crossing franchise for me. I played a lot my first month or two of owning it, but I feel lately it's stagnated just a little.

I played this game a lot at my cousins' house. I'm still very bad at it.

This is a gorgeous addition to the Pokemon franchise. I don't have the history a lot of people do with this series, but the updated graphics really improved the experience for me over the few Pokemon titles I've played. I love the open world elements combined with the story. Alas, the story grows a little stagnant and I grew to almost dread the repetition. Still super fun, but I don't know if I'll ever finish it.

This game's kinda trashy, but I didn't go into it expecting anything else, so it serves its purpose. Aside from the smut, I love the girls, the mechanics and I play this game for hours whenever I pick it up. Great title and I'm much more excited than I should be for the sequel!

Beautiful game! I could tell that a lot of love and passion was put into every aspect of this project. I wish Matt's route in particular was a little more developed, but I was very glad I downloaded this game on day 1

This is still my favorite game and probably always will be. I love the story, characters and themes. Excellent work, Toby Fox!