The most soulless game I've ever played. MAYBE I'd be more forgiving with it if they stuck with marketing it as "Sonic the Portable" like they did before, but pushing it as Sonic 4 only hurt the game with giving it a reason to directly compare it to the much better classic games.

I'm really interested in what I've played so far. The cast is really strong so far, and its story introduced a lot of mysteries and tension that had me hooked.

Gameplay-wise, this has me intrigued. It's most similar to a Zero Escape game in its tone and escape room format, along with Danganronpa's involving more involved gameplay. It's really engaging.

Devil May Cry 4 has a pretty stellar combat system held back by some really annoying areas, even moreso than the others, and just feeling unfinished overall.

One of the most magical experiences I've had with a game in my life