I like the new mechanics but game felt too short and underwhelming compared to 4 and 5.

While not my favorite Ace game, it has my favorite set of final missions and climax.

It's good, but the story is really bad and some missions feel like they drag on waaaaay too much.

While it doesn't have my favorite Ace Combat missions, the presentation and visuals are insanely good.

stop with the lasers and 500km nuke explosions/shockwaves omg

The world generation got worst and more boring through out the years.

A visibly rushed non direct sequel, with none interesting vibe of the first game, the ranking system is gone for no reason (not on PC), the levels are very short and very hard to use stealth around it considering how badly designed they are, the stealth and enemy AI also has gotten worst, the enemies most time don't even react to noise properly when in the previous game it worked perfectly fine.

The story is a real oddball one, the violence feels somewhat out of place considering the protagonist is amnesiac, at the same time, the game executions are censored making the kills a actual eye sore to look/play through and that's really odd considering that's what you gonna be looking at through most of the game (unless you play on PC or PSP uncensored patch).

Basically Manhunt 2 is a mediocre sequel, censored on most platforms and you should probably ignore it.

1.0 released but it still feels like early access game.

A very mediocre and repetitive third person shooter, but very much worth playing only to experience the fun story with great writing and endearing characters, being the overall best Guardians Of The Galaxy adaptation I ever experienced. Also big shout out to the amazing art direction that really helps making the game more interesting and the great use of licensed soundtrack.

If the gameplay starts to slog you, I recommend using the customizable difficulty settings to turn your damage way up and enemy damage down to accelerate the encounters and waste as little as time as possible with the shooting segments.

One last tip, try to avoiding playing this game on a PS4 or Xbox One, about every section something exciting is happening the framerate will constantly dip between 15 to 20fps, some cutscenes will also appear with some glitchy artifacts and you will probably see some AI bugs mid combat due to the bad performance.

It's Splinter Cell Conviction 2 with stealth elements built on a action game, the stealth doesn't actually work, every area is completely lit, there's no cover, no roaming enemies, nothing, the game at no moment feels like it wants the player to do anything but to use the cover to cover dash and abuse the mark and execute mechanic, you don't feel rewarded at all for trying stealth or trying to avoid killing, it simply does not work at all.

To complete the Ubisoft package of trying to make every game have the same mechanics, Blacklist has a huge loadout page that feels completely unnecessary with everything being customizable to even Sam's gloves, with stats that barely if at all alter any gameplay and ending up just wasted effort, speaking of which, every outfit looks TERRIBLE, the visual artists had a stroke or something while making this game.

To top off the "no soul" meme, they changed both Sam and Grim's voice actors, while Ironside is rumored to've been too sick at the time to work on the game, there's no real reason to change Grim voice when this game is a direct sequel. I really have no hope for what Ubisoft does in the future with this franchise, they really had no clue what worked and what did not.

I'm sorry but this is absolute dogshit, you turned a stealth spy game into fuckin Jason Bourne action garbage with very small elements of stealth, filled it with all the generic tropes of 2010's games, ugly brown colors, shooter focused and missions trying to appeal to the call of duty audience.

It's not like this is even a good shooter, all weapons fell terrible unless you are headshoting enemies from stealth, the cover system is awful, your cover will get in the way impeding you of shooting and sometimes you think you won't be able to shoot and the gun fire just clips through the cover. The stealth elements is actually even worst than the mediocre past game entries to identify when you are walking into not lit areas, some areas look entirely dark but are still lit up somehow. Also using black and white to show you are hidden was a terrible visual choice.

I'd rather play one of the mediocre entries in the past since at least they are actual Splinter Cell game, this is just a abomination of a shooter.

While being a much better game than the 360/PS3 version, in general, it's still not that good, the missions are all forgettable and bland, this version develops even less of the villains and the JBA Hideout segments which were actually interesting in the other version, is now definitely the worst part of this game. Gameplay wise being just filled with traps and cameras and story wise making no sense, you can have alerts and knock out guards while being the new recruit? What?

Also, if you can, don't emulate this on PCSX2 it has some obnoxious lighting bugs, play it on a actual PS2 or the XBOX OG version.

Turns out turning your horror franchise into a non stop action michael bay shooter is a terrible idea, but the dogshit gameplay doesn't help it either.

Don't let anyone tell you there's a single good campaign, there really isn't.

While I do like the setting of getting away from your classic New York noir, into the hot and humid São Paulo and the clear inspirations the story takes from Elite Squad 2 with corrupt politicians, being involved with corrupt police, gangs, drugs and murder (pretty accurate Brazil), the game's biggest down point is mostly brought down by Dan Houser not knowing how to write Max's character or dialogue.

From the witty, funny and somewhat profound dialogue that Sam Lake wrote, Max and Passos which do the most of the talking, have very dry, explicit and mostly dumb dialogue. Max has become fully a alcoholic shoot first ask questions later king of guy, and Passos is a very odd but still generic buddy cop good guy, that really doesn't get much development through out the game.

This is minor and more of a being a portuguese speaking player thing, but one other odd detail is that Passos is from Brazil in the story, but speaks with accent from Portugal. In the language subject, in general the portuguese dialogue quality is average, there is clearly a lot of conversations that don't make sense probably because they weren't written with the help of a actual brazilian, making it sound very odd or non sensical.

But with that all being about the writing and story, the game is damn good third person shooter, the weapons are really fun to use and powerful, the enemies reaction to getting shot is very well animated and the game still looks good to this day, the level design quality varies through the game but one thing people exaggerate is "old Max feels sluggish", his animations are fast enough and the lunges into the air still are as fun as ever and still useful, too bad they removed the slow motion reloads from Max Payne 2.

Lastly there is multiplayer, which is awesome, it also uses bullet time and has a crazy amount of customization and build varieties, had much fun with it.

A must play to any horror, stealth or John Carpenter fan.