Actually underrated, fun combat and shooting, the horde mechanic is also pretty fun to handle and so is to drive your bike around.

It's a cute tech demo, the story is definitely rushed and unfinished tho.

Really bad combat and level design, also most of the human models including the protagonist look uglier than the aliens, but still one of the least worst dark souls clones, and good enough for star wars fans.

I recommend playing it for the dance minigame.

People meme too much about the trailer, this is actually a huge fun open world, with lots of content and plenty of coop focus. It just gets tiresome when you get to the like third map, but by then you probably already have more than 8 hours of playtime.

The combat is a fuckin boredom.

Feels ALOT unfinished but has amazing characters and story.

Not as good as the first game, map, characters and quests feel really unfinished.

Warning: Unfinished game, Chapter 3 was never released.

A flawed misunderstood but still very good original game.

While the game suffers from lack of levels, odd sound design choices, worst controls than the 3 previous games and other inconvenient stuff, It's still a very good horror game, that will definitely scare you with its concept of Room 302 along with a very engaging interesting story.

Would definitely recommend every silent hill fan to give this game another shot if they dropped it.