It is one of the most fun and best soundtracks I have experienced in the last decade.

Its only flaws are some areas (mostly Mataan) could've used some extra polish (too narrow, and few options to combo through), the police cutscenes get old fast, sentries are unbearable, and the combat itself could've been implemented together with the combo system.

I like the art direction but the gameplay feels like utter jank that gets boring after 5 minutes, the ugly ass animations also do not help.

As a kid: Wow this game is ass
As a adult: Wow this game is ass

For all how amazing it is, I really think the game really falls apart once you get to Fallen Arm.

As much as I enjoy the super shotgun and the new enemy designs, THESE LEVELS ARE ABSOLUTE TRASH AND ONLY GET WORSE AS THE GAME GOES ON
Also the soundtrack is weak as fuck compared to the original

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>protagonist gets mutilated to the point of being just a torso
>gets crushed by falling debris
You can feel the developers seething at how much people hated their game.

A much more solid third person shooter than the previous game, with less schizo but more style.

Somewhat schizo kino hidden behind a very mediocre game.

Best Frictional gameplay to date. I am very impressed with the open map that you can tackle objectives in different ways and nonscripted enemy encounters. I loved seeing players going in other orders from myself, having various meetings, and finding solutions to problems.
Only very minor issues (why doesn't fire burn wooden doors?) and bugs.
It definitely must play. It was one of the best horror games ever made and a delighted surprise after the disappointment Rebirth was.

The sheer suffering of knowing 3+4 was cancelled.

Kill remakes. Behead remakes. Roundhouse kick a remake into the concrete. Slam dunk a remaster into the trashcan. Crucify filthy remakes. Defecate in a remakes food. Launch remakes devs into the sun. Toss remakes enjoyer into active volcanoes. Feed remakes to piranhas. Curbstomp demakes. Judo throw remakes into a wood chipper. Karate chop remakes in half. Pee in a remakes gas tank.

The PT clones thing did not work out well with any of them. These games are really not subtle, and any gameplay seems like an afterthought to a very mediocre haunted house ride.

It looked like a better game than Driver 3 back then, but replaying it now, I can confirm that it's a worse game.

The driving physics is simplified and more unfun by default. The cars are hideous for some weird reason when they looked fine before, and the missions themselves, most of them, are a bore. The shooting and character animations are awful and the worst part of the game.

Darkest Dungeon 2 might be one of the worst sequels I have ever played. For some reason, the game wants to be Slay the Spire instead of an evolution of the previous game. Even if I don't mind it not being an actual sequel, I can't dismiss the current state of it.

>No Reyunald

>Pointless carriage flavor walking forward with nothing to do might as well change the game to dots walking upward on a map

>No watchtower early? good luck getting rng dropped into 50 encounters or roads that destroy your carriage

>Carriage broke? you will now fight with less than 1 character which doesn't even make sense because you have to kill ALL enemies to progress. You can't stall to escape when a character IS CLEARLY ACTIVELY REPAIRING THE VEHICLE.

>No proper explanation of candle upgrades. Game induces you to waste them with dogshit useless rng items/trinkets when later the game allows you to PERMANENTLY UPGRADE CHARACTERS with them, and even if you argue that was the stupidity of my part, devs having the audacity of making this awful reward even available when there's an actual use to the candles is just laughable.

>Game appears to want to focus on the character's backgrounds but doesn't deliver at all? At first, I thought a character story having gameplay on only 2 of the five levels was an early access thing, but then the game was released, and that was just it. It wasn't fascinating

>Abysmal UI, and everything was too convoluted to navigate for 0 reasons. It offers little to 0 explanation of the stats and items that show up. Having to scroll a in game wiki up and down the game, 50 pages of guides doesn't suddenly make it intuitive at all

> The stress system is somehow worse that the first entry. If enemies have horror, I hope you have enough stress-healing items and a stress-healer-focused character

> No Reynauld

Just don't say It's supposed to be unfair garbage or steep to learn the first game is 500 times more fair AND FUN than this shit. But HEY, I get it. It's still early access, and the Epic Games contract forced this fake full-game release. It's self-evident.

I like the concept of a shooter with 2d cartoon visuals but this meme sucks.