I love Vice City. This version is... pretty, I guess? It brings proper controller functionality (on Steam anyways, I've heard the Epic version doesn't work but I can't confirm) but just like III, these remasters feel pointless. Apart from real controller support, it doesn't do much that mods couldn't achieve.

They've also upped the vehicle density, but they didn't fix the AI at all, so you're gonna see a lot of cars just slamming into each other, flipping and exploding, driving like maniacs and a lot of other stuff. It can make for some funny times, but it also looks weird.

Mmmmm! That's good Spyro. My favourite Spyro game and one of my favourites of all time. I love picking it up and doing a level or two between other things. Fantastic game.

Played on a friends PS5 together. Took a while since we played a few missions when hanging out.

My favourite from the GTA 3D era, probably my second favourite of all the GTAs. Great story, great characters and just really fun to play. PC version is probably the best, the PS2 emulated version definitely feels a bit dated, but still great to play.

I just hate it. I find nothing satisfying about this game. It's just so clunky and awkward to play. To think Dead Rising 2 came from this game and just makes it so much better to play.

I know this game is highly regarded but I just can't. I've tried, many times. But I can't stand it.


I originally played the first few chapters on my PS4, but getting to play it on PC with better frames and visuals really proves how gorgeous this game is. Of course, RGG still supplies us with an incredible story and cast of characters. Like the Yakuza games, I could probably easily replay this in the future.

The only reason it's not 4.5 or 5 stars was just because I didn't always get along with the combat and I feel like the trailing missions were overused. But honestly, this game is amazing and I highly recommend it.

I'm sorry but it's just the combat. The new combat does not do it for me.

I don't mind turn based really, in fact when I heard about the change I was looking forward to it. But I just find it so hard to play. It's okay for the first few chapters, then suddenly it's just hard as nails. Even going back to level up, get new weapons etc, it was just luck of getting a good hit. I'm not happy to say it, but I only managed to finish it using cheats.

Everything else was immaculate. It looked incredible, I LOVE Ichiban and the new gang of characters and the story was so much fun. But the fighting is so much of the game, it just put a huge damper on it for me.

I hope the next game in the series will teak the fighting.

Coming off of Yakuza 0, this one feels a bit different. It's good, don't get me wrong, but while it's a remaster, it doesn't update some of the janky boss fights. It feels more like a fan mod, than a sequel.

But it's still an essential part of the Kiryu saga and has some fun new updates, minigames and substories. Though, if you're not a die-hard fan, you could probably watch a playthrough rather than play it. Personally, I'm still glad I played it.

The beginning of my Yakuza journey and what an incredible start. Yakuza 0 is an absolute masterpiece. I loved the story, the minigames, substories, everything. The only thing I didn't get into so much was the skill trees etc. I just made sure my health and power were jacked up and that saw me through to the end pretty easily.

I adore this game. Some bits are insane, but I don't think I ever didn't have fun.

I first played this on my PS4 and the second time around I really took my time. Messed around with the side stuff, also took some big breaks between playing.

I know it's a bit cliché to call this a masterpiece, but it truly is. The performances are incredible, it's stunningly beautiful, the story is fantastic and it plays like butter. I don't know many people who play video games who I wouldn't recommend this to.