Dungeon crawlers can do several things to hook a player. Maybe it is a satisfying or tactics-driven combat system. Maybe it's all about the progression, the grind if you will. Maybe it's just fun to exploring the dungeons. This game does NONE of these things. At it's core it is a boring, dreadfully slow game that will really make you feel your time being sucked from you. I beat the first boss, and just couldn't continue playing after, for I have at least a little respect for myself. It's a damn shame too, because I respect the developer Wayforward, and "Hey Ice King!.." was actually a solid title. But I guess you gotta have some duds.

Ya know, it's just weird to me that Sega decided to make handheld version for all of their 3D Sonic games starting with Sonic Colors. Like you would think they somehow managed to cram the console game onto the DS, cause I mean it's called the same thing and they came out the same day, but no. It's a completely different game made just to capitalize on the huge handheld market. So you would think this game would suck since it's obviously not where Sega's attention was, but it's actually pretty decent.

This game plays like your classic 2D Sonic game, crammed with loop-de loop all over the place, but with a little 3D sonic added in the homing attack, plus of course the wisp powers. Due to these additions, this game feels so gosh darn fast and fun to play for most of the first half of the game. You can really zoom through levels. That said there is a bunch BS added to the game like a shitty auto-scroll section where you ride a whale, and that janky void thing you are forced to use. But overall, it is a pretty decent 2D Sonic. Definitely recommend to any big Sonic fan, assuming they haven't tried the DS version of Colors yet.

On paper, I feel like I should dislike this game. It's another open-world game jam packed with meaningless things to do, like collecting little tokens, and solving puzzles that I have seen in so many other games. Plus, I just said "Why?" SO many times playing this game. Like why is the best way to level up Sonic to go frickin' fishing? Why does it take so long to level up Sonic's speed and ring capacity, yet it's instant to level up his attack/defense? Why does the open-world keep forcing me into annoying 2D sections? What the hell is going on in the story? Ok, that one wasn't a why... but still!

Despite all these weird decisions, and a bit of jank, its an incredibly enjoyable experience. I think it manages to capture the fun that can be had in an open-world, and avoids most of the terrible aspects. For example, it avoids the whole "follow the dotted line on the minimap" design by obscuring the map at first, and putting tons of grind rails everywhere which are such a blast to ride, but lord knows where they are going to take you. Genuinely though, when I saw the first gameplay trailer, I thought the rails in the sky looked goofy as heck, but they really encouraged me to not really worry about the destination and just have fun with the game.

It also helps that everything is so quick. It doesn't take too long to get to any part of the map since the maps are pretty small, and Sonic is so quick. Honestly, this game made me realize how much slowly walking across open-worlds sucks. It's going to be hard to go back to Assassin's Creed after this. Another thing that's quick are all the challenges the map is filled with. They aren't really all that interesting, but they don't ever last that long, so they end up being pretty satisfying to do.

So yeah, this Sonic game is pretty good surprisingly. Not perfect by any means, but I had a good time with it.

Hey Pikmin is very well-made, polished game which wears it's Pikmin charm on its sleeve, but unfortunately the game is dreadfully boring. It's very pretty, the little Pikmin interactions you get throughout the game are adorable, and it feels surprisingly good to throw Pikmin by tapping the 3DS screen, but still the game put me to sleep everytime I played. it. Its just incredibly slow paced, and for the most part what you get at the beginning of the game is the entire game. The game does add some stuff as you, but not much that really changes the game in any meaningful way. The game ends up feeling like nothing more than an easy-to-make game, made only to sell games to Pikmin fans, not a game made to actually have fun with.

This game is such a fever dream. I can't wait for Sakurai explain what the heck is happening in this game on his YouTube channel!

Bayonetta 3 is a pretty fun action game, which happens to double as an excellent Just Dance game. While it may not contain the top hits of 2022, it does teach you the moves to summon demons from hell, so that's pretty cool.

Signalis is a must play for any fan of psychological horror. It plays like a top-down Resident Evil, where you wander around a monster filled environment picking up key items and solving puzzles. Where it sets itself apart from RE is all of the abstract psychological horror it contains. This game is oozing with aesthetic, it's lore and world are captivating, and the puzzles are incredibly inventive. My only real complaint is I think that 6 inventory slots is far too low. It was just really annoying having to go back to the inventory box time and time again to drop off/pick up key items, and switch the one gun I have equipped. But yeah, play Signalis, it's great!

This game does a brilliant job of making you feel like a detective. It consists of about 11 murders you need to solve, which are all part of an overall narrative. This structure works better for me than the obvious comparison of Obra Dinn, since the mysteries are more compact. You aren't watching the same scene 20 times with hopes of gathering a little bit more info like the last so many people you have figure out in Obra Dinn. This way you are consistently trying to put together what happened, which is way more fun to me. (Not to say Obra Dinn is worse, that game is also 5/5 for sure)

I also love the mechanics of give you a bunch of keywords and making you piece together the mystery through those words, and the various template they give you. For example earlier cases make you determine the names of each of the characters, and tells you when you get all of them right, but you still need to solve the murder after you get all the names. It gives you a helpful stepping stone to solve the overall mystery, without really giving anything away.

I also want to say I love how this game forces you to learn it's universe. There are supernatural elements you need to learn the rules of, and various political and cult groups you need learn about as well. When everything is put together, it is not only very satisfying from a puzzle-solving perspective, but the narrative you unravel is super interesting as well.

This game is an easy recommend for basically anyone. When I first was recommended it, I wasn't very convinced since the art-style looked repulsive. But trust me, you will learn to love the art-style if you give this game a chance. Oh, one last thing: the music of this game goes so fucking hard. It's so weird and creepy, but fits the game so perfectly. Definitely one of my favorite games of the year.

Are you disappointed at the lack of Silksong at the 2022 Game Awards? Are you tired of putting on your clown makeup everytime Nintendo has a direct? Well then boy howdy do I got the game for you! It's Haiku the Robot!

This game is a Metroidvania that is a whole heck of a lot like Hollow Knight. It's not just a ripoff of HK though, as it definitely has it's ideas and identity. For example, your "magic meter" is replaced by a heat gauge, which fills up whenever you do certain actions. I just kind of wish there was a bit more to the game as it is pretty basic. Combat is very simple and doesn't really change much throughout the game. The abilities you unlock are for the most part pretty standard Metroidvania stuff too, though they are quite fun to use since they let fly through pretty quickly.

Overall, this game is a very enjoyable Metroidvania, that didn't really ever surprise me in any way. Wish it could've been more, but it's still pretty fun the way it is.

Holy shit! They made a Geometry Wars game for the DS? Man, Geometry Wars was the first game I got on Xbox Live Arcade, and what a game it was. Nothing but pure arcadey fun. And the DS version is more of that on a handheld device. Honestly, for a twin-stick shooter on a device with literally zero sticks, this version is surprisingly solid. Yes I would much rather use two sticks, but the touch screen control method is actually pretty sufficient. The game also isn't as flashy looking as the original, but that doesn't hold it back much.

The big addition this version has is a new mission mode they Galaxies. It's nothing to write home about, but it does add a lot of content to the game, and allows them to put in a lot of unique ideas to a pretty simple concept. At the end of the day, it's Geometry Wars on a handheld. Probably better versions of that these days, but if you got ds, it's quite fun!

God of War Ragnarok is a straight up continuation of the 2018 game. This isn't like Last of Us Part 2 which was a VERY different game from the original. The point it serves is to wrap up the story of the 2018 game, and hence it ends up being a very similar game. The first game was incredible so of course this game is as well!

While there are a lot of ways this game is better, this game feels a lot more bloated than the original to me. I found myself constantly wishing the game would just get to the frickin point. There are so many things they could've cut so that game didn't just drag on. Aspects of this game also feel a tad dated. There is so much Uncharted climbing and squeezing through cracks, which I really hoped we would've moved away from in this generation. But alas, they are still making these for PS4, so we are still yet doomed to slowly squeeze through cracks.

That said even when the dragged on, it was still largely enjoyable. There is a lot of fantastic spectacle and the combat is pretty gratifying. Probably the best parts are when Thor and Odin are on screen though, as their voice actors are so frickin' good. It's just unfortunate that you barely see them in the first 12 hours or so of the game. So yeah, Ragnarok is a pretty easy recommend for those who play 2018, but probably not for those who haven't.

This game is nothing more than a cash in on the popularity of frozen made as cheaply as possible. Most levels take like 10 to 30 seconds to beat. They try to extend the length of the game by encouraging you to collect all the collectibles they randomly throw out through out the levels, but it's such a chore. Ignoring the collectibles, most of the levels are beat by just walking forward and jumping whenever the terrain rises or there are spikes in the way. It's incredibly lazy and dull. The little girls who love Frozen deserve better than this.

If you like drawing Pac-Man, you are going to LOVE this.

Honestly though, it's kinda neat and fun drawing a shitty version of Pac-Man, and seeing them animate it. It also makes me nostalgic for those early DS years. But man does it get boring fast. I can only draw Pac-Man so many times before I question my life choices.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is a fantastic reboot of the DKC franchise from the SNES, but it is a bit hard to see this game as nothing more than Tropical Freeze's lesser predecessor. This game captures what made the original games so good, but differentiates itself through Donkey Kong's weighty jumps, and way more cinematic level design. Seriously, one of the first levels is one where you jump between pieces of wrecked ships while a giant octopus is destroying them. The major issue with this game is that this doesn't quite go all in on the theming and level design like Tropical Freeze does. There are incredible levels like the one I just mentioned, but there are so many others that are just unremarkable. There are of course other things I could pick on like there being only like 5 bonus rooms all of which are boring, the lack of animal buddies, or putting so many dandelions everywhere for Donkey Kong to blow on (like really? they thought making the big ape stop to blow on dandelions was a fun idea?), but I think the core issue is the level design. This game is still quite good though, it just isn't as remarkable as Tropical Freeze.

Just want to say a couple things about the 3ds version: It's good! It runs and looks pretty fantastic honestly. In fact I would say this is my preferred way to play since the game fits a handheld really well, and I don't need to waggle at all.

Bottom line though: Play Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. It's so good.

This ~15 year old holds up surprisingly well! The combat is really satisfying the crunchy. The action/horror balance is done extremely well. The enemy design and guns are all really awesome. I especially love cutting the limbs off the enemies. Super cool twist on a third-person shooter. Honestly, a remake feels wholly unnecessary when the original holds up so well.

It's not perfect though of course. The game gets kind of repetitive by the end, as you go from samey looking hallway to samey looking hallway, battling hordes monsters every other room. If it was a bit shorter or if there was a more interesting variety of things to do (just not more of the dumb cannon minigame) that would help the game a lot. Plus, the story just kind of sucks. You can tell they tried, but I just didn't care at all. Last thing is a bit of a nitpick, but the 3D map sucks. They really should've just ripped off Metroid Prime, instead of creating their own map system.

Anyways, good game! Hope the remake is going to be more of a reboot though. Just making the game more pretty would be a serious waste of time.