I don’t typically like to redo a review or rating for a game I played in the past but I gotta knock it down a star. The world feels small and the game is over before it starts. But whatever the game does have to offer is just a little nibble at a whole cake that the sequel gives you. I enjoy building up the town even if it isn’t anything huge and the mining to selling to buying upgrades to mining is just in perfect harmony.

Had no idea spider-man could fuck me up like that

What am I even doing anymore.

I get too excited when I see “silent hill” on anything

Current rating based off all DLC added, the completed version. Is good.

It’s trying SOOOOO hard to be bigger than Banjo-Kazooie and for the most part it does it pretty good but holy shit there’s a lot of tedium in this game

Mallow is such a better character than Geno wtf is wrong with y’all.

It feels too hard trying to be BFBB, while being more similar like TSSM in its linearity. its unique stuff for the most part is really nice albeit some new things they added are kinda lame. And it has a certain charm that RoTFD had which I like, the game is cute.

Sounds and music will just clip in and out of reality, sometimes noises and music will be there and it’s nice, other times it’s just… gone. The final boss fight the music just didn’t play at all.

Speaking of final boss. That l final fight was dog ass 💀. So much build up for a very little award. There’s no main collectibles, no real motive for progression. Whatever obvious copies of BFBB they tried to make in their level design, enemies, and some collectibles, feels way too forced and messy.

Alright some positives let’s go:

Whatever uniqueness this game did have what pretty good, I enjoyed spongebobs moveset in this game, the reef blower, the karate kick, the bubble surfboard, my only gripe is that I wish I could use these things at any time I wanted but when it came to platforming with these abilities, it was very fluid and fun. The music for the most part was really good and I strongly feel like the bikini bottom hub world was majorly better than BFBBs bikini bottom. Also the inclusion of Spot was fucking awesome I love Spot (also I think this is pearls and karens first time in a 3D SpongeBob game so they’re welcome additions also!)

The game feels a step up from the seahorse shit rehydrated was, this game does feel like a real true sequel to BFBB but comparatively it just doesn’t hold. It wishes.

It sure is pool. And i sure am playing it in America.

Wow what a shock tim is too biased about Kirby and the forgotten lands. Yes. Yes I am. I loved it.

This game was freaking awesome BUT it felt a little repetitive with its combat and it was incredibly short lived with only 5 stages total but BUT that OST in the background really kept me going holy shit

Bird and Sneeze more like HEYOOOO gesundheit

Kirby’s blowing balls more like

It feels freaking godly to play this when you’re in the zone hitting every beat not hitting an enemy. Though it’s short lived cuz I suck oh I’m the worst ever

See now this is epic when you have amiibo

No it’s not. I lied. This is boring.