I feel like this game was designed to appeal directly to me. A journal filled with weird monsters and blurbs about what they do? Analog horror? A horrible 9-5 job dealing with the public? I love it! I legitimately cant wait for more from this dev.

An absolutely buck wild story and a unique and fun way of telling it. 100% recommend going in blind

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A pet shop after dark is a cutesy horror game with the meta gimmick of digging around in your game files to solve puzzles and make things happen in game. Unfortunately I think the game doesn’t really do anything special besides that. The puzzles were honestly awful, with the last few being obnoxious enough that I figured out the puzzle, but still went to look at a guide because I couldn’t be bothered to put all the images together on my desktop. The story also just kind of ends. It seems like there should be more but from all my digging it seems that’s it and that just left me frustrated. All in all a pet shop after dark is a game I started with a smile and ended with a bit of a headache.

Marvels Spider-Man is a blast to play. You've heard it a million times, but it really does make you feel like spider-man. Unfortunately the story doesn't keep up with the gameplay. Spider-Man very much suffers from trying to do too much. It feels like they tried to cram the entire rogues gallery in one game, leaving everything feeling shallow. I still enjoyed it from beginning to end, but Im left feeling unsatisfied thinking back on it.

This game kind of solves every problem i had with the first game. Its a shorter and more contained affair, with only a couple villains, letting the ones you do fight breathe. Miles has much more personality than i felt peter did in the first game, and with his added powers i think this game blows the first out of the water.

I enjoyed it enough for what it was. I will never think about this experience again, but that doesnt make it a bad one.

Balatro is a fantastic, unique game that unfortunately doesn't have the staying power with me that it seems to have for the rest of the internet. I wish nothing but the best for the dev, but I've put the game down for now.

A nothing game. It wasn't bad, but the wasted potential here is insane. I liked when the rental man popped out of existence though, that was funny.

Short but lots of fun. You can tell that this dev really poured themselves into their games. Beating the game even unlocks a little art book with behind the scenes info and high quality shots of the clay models used.

Rolled Credits on Slay the Princess and still feel like i've only scratched the surface of what the game has to offer. A love story for the ages

A short unique walking sim that i thoroughly enjoyed. The visuals of mapping out the cave are something that will stick with me for a while