A fun enough dumb action movie (I finished it in 90 minutes)

Gameplay is just as satisfying as the first. Has some fantastic moments, many of which are when Peter Parker is just being a normal guy. Doesn't stick the landing in the end, and the story seems comprised of side stories with a conclusion that leaves too many loose ends. Boss fights, outside of the opening, constrict movement considerably which is a big draw of the game. Great performances from the whole cast, was just hoping for something a little more climactic.

Not much here in terms of story but the movement and gunplay are very satisfying. A short experience but you're given no time to rest during each level. Turn your brain off for 10 seconds and you're dead.


Final boss had me crying and sweating. Controls are so responsive, the concept of the player aging upon respawn is so cool. Hard game but I felt so cool after a good run.

Beautiful art style, great presentation, really engaging and challenging game of deduction. Perfect for what it's trying to be. Had me reading up on real world history to solve some of the puzzles.

Basically my first JRPG and man what a great anime movie show game. Wild that this was a Wii game (and on 3DS). Took me a bit to get into the story but it had some great moments. World was intriguing to explore but sadly the combat didn't do it for me. Hope they make 2 more games, a spin off, and some dlc.

Really wanted to like this game, but man was it the longest 40 minutes of my life. Scratch that, longest 60. It crashed half way through. Should've taken the hint.

Fun for a bit but MAN does it get frustrating later on. Good for a few laughs just have a guide ready.

Confusing but such a cool game concept, I'll take 10 more please. And a VR port?

Adorable. Wholesome. Great vibes from every aspect of the game. Something so neat about watching basically bits and pieces of an anime in 240p

Way to repetitive tbh, and tbh too repetitive too

Very unique but doesn't really end? Great experience but doesn't really nail a landing, I just jumped off the plane myself

If only the movies were half as good