31 Reviews liked by SmartyPants

I want to Rayman Raving Rabbids Travel in Time to a point where these fucks didn't exist

This is what the Grinch was trying to prevent

They somehow made a game worse than omori

When the fuck are they adding the Smarty Pants (2007) lightbulb skin

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games offers a variety of winter sports events for players to enjoy. However, it is unfortunate to note that Team Weezer's participation in the game has been overshadowed by a series of unfortunate events.

Team Weezer struggled tremendously throughout their Olympic journey. From constant failures in ice skating and ski slopes to chaotic snowball fights, their lack of coordination resulted in numerous broken bones and even injuries. The inclusion of questionable events like snowball fights raises eyebrows, as it doesn't seem to fit the spirit of the Olympic Games.

Additionally, the financial troubles faced by Team Weezer, particularly Yoshi's incarceration for tax evasion, paint a bleak picture for Rivers' crew. The team's excessive spending and resulting debt on useless items from the in-game shop showcase their inability to manage resources responsibly.

The emotional toll of these failures has had a lasting impact on team members Wario and Eggman. Wario's descent into alcoholism and continuous nightmarish flashbacks from the snowboarding event highlight the detrimental effects of their experiences. Meanwhile, Eggman's homelessness due to unpaid hospital bills further emphasizes the negative consequences of their misadventures.

Furthermore, the untimely death of Shadow and his continued presence as dead weight during the bobsledding event is a grim reminder of the team's unfortunate destiny.

Considering the numerous setbacks faced by Team Weezer, it is evident that their Olympic journey was fraught with hardship and disappointment. While Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games presents a wide range of events and characters, it is disheartening to see poor execution and a lack of success for a team with so much promise.

Final Thoughts:
Despite the game offering a wide array of events and characters, the unfortunate experience of Team Weezer significantly impacts the overall entertainment value. It is difficult to recommend this game to players looking for a seamless and enjoyable Olympic experience.

Score: 3/10

it's abbreviation is FEW which is a subtle nod to the amount of people who enjoyed it

"Tomorrow is the day. The Day of Fates"
- Enterprise

Azur Lane, an anomaly in the world of mobile games, emerges as a true masterpiece, one that even Shirou Emiya would appreciate. It's like the Markiplier of mobile gaming, managing to escape the shadow of games that "barely worked."

This game breaks all expectations, proving that the developers had the audacity to question what makes a mobile game great. Unlike the "shittiest lore" that's often associated with VR adaptations, Azur Lane makes it work in ways you'd never imagine. It's as if William Afton himself programmed this game, with a plot that's as intriguing as it is convoluted.

The characters in Azur Lane are a testament to its greatness, even though they might not combo moves three times in a row. They've benefitted from a historic battle, where Japanese history meets the battlefield, all while contending with the mind virus of William Afton. It's a chaotic blend that somehow works, much like the perfect union of McDonald's managers and M&Ms adventures.

Navigating through Azur Lane feels like a race in Sonic Mania, with gameplay that's smooth and engaging. It's a game that dares to ask, "What if a mobile game was actually good?" And the answer is a resounding "yes." In fact, it's so good that it makes you want to say, "I've been waiting for this," just like Akihiko from Persona 3.

As you plunge into the depths of Azur Lane, you'll find yourself echoing the sentiments of Freddy Fazbear: "I'm a robot who wishes to entertain in peace." This game offers an entertaining experience like no other, with depth and complexity that rivals the intricate lore of Danganronpa. And when it comes to keeping you engaged, Azur Lane has what it takes, unlike the monotony of tierlist.com.

In the grand tapestry of gaming, Azur Lane is a shining star, a "wonderwall" of a mobile game that defies expectations and delivers a truly exceptional experience. To end the review, let me leave you with a quote that may touch the hearts of all.

"Unlimited gaming works!"
- Enterprise & Shirou Emiya

Score 9.5/10

Scooby Doo for terminally online losers who unironically use the term “peak fiction”

HOLY PEAKAMOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This game is fantastical, and it's finally the best it can be on current hardware, in 60fps and 4,000k. Modern graphics do the original justice and its music and all other wonderful facets of the original game times 9001 (Reference.) MUST PLAY.



Well, having played Hades extensively, I must say it's quite the experience. The fast-paced combat, engaging story, and beautifully designed characters really set it apart in the rogue-like genre. It's like a breath of fresh air, a game that keeps you hooked for hours on end.

Now, let's address some interesting points about the game. For starters, there's a chibi cat doing Gangnam Style when picking up an Amougus. While that's an amusing mental image, it's rare to encounter in your average playthrough, hence why many other reviews on the site do not mention this forbidden piece of knowledge. Maybe they missed out on this secret Easter egg?

There's also an intriguing comparison to be made with the song "Wonderwall" by Oasis and Kanye West. It's a bit like comparing apples and oranges, but it got me thinking about the game's soundtrack. I must say, Hades boasts an epic and diverse soundtrack that perfectly complements the intense battles and emotional moments.

And to address comparisons of this game to the likes "real roguelikes" like Rogue Legacy 2, I'd say that both games have their unique charms. Hades offers a more narrative-driven experience, whereas Rogue Legacy 2 focuses on challenging gameplay and exploration. It really depends on your preferences.

In conclusion, I'd still give Hades a solid 9 out of 10. It's a must-play for fans of rogue-likes and anyone who appreciates a well-crafted story in their games. Whether you're jamming to "Wonderwall" or not, Hades is an unforgettable journey through the underworld.

"I'm chemically, systemically imbalanced, what a talentless no-one"
- Enterprise

I have to keep this gimmick going for another extra week, guys please help this was supposed to stop after a few days

Fucking god awful, I'm legitimately offended at how hard this ruined the Saints Row series AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE SAINTS ROW. Apparently Volition and THQ were both under terrible financial troubles at the time, with the latter filing for bankruptcy during SR4's development and the former finally shutting down September 2023 and that's what led to this game that's literally just that one Saints Row 3 Superpower DLC stretched out to an entire game, even reuses the entire landscape and city from 3.

The story in this game is what you expect from a Saints Row game but even more shallow than usual. The game starts, the protagonist saves the world from a nuke and becomes the US President, sure, whatever. Then, the games antagonist Zinyak, an alien, wants to take over Earth with his alien army, sure, you know what, Zinyak is the single most entertaining thing about this game so I'll let it slide (SURELY HE WON'T BE UNDERUTILIZED AND BARELY PRESENT FOR A MAJORITY OF THE GAME). Zinyak eventually succeeds, placing the main character in a simulation instead of killing him for god knows what reason and the majority of the game is spent trying to escape this simulation with the help of your hacker Kinzie (who can do just about anything but actually get you out quickly). The death of Johnny Gat from SR3 has been retconned and the explanation is that he was "abducted by the aliens" back then for some fucking reason but now you save him! I'd be more angry about this retcon if Johnny's death wasn't executed so terribly in 3 anyway. But that's just it, this game has like no emotional value whatsoever, it's Saints Row, so it's going to be emotionally shallow and more focused on crude jokes that won't age well at all (Dubstep gun haha guys so funny) but this one feels like it isn't even trying, at least the games before this TRIED something more. It's just, it's not well-written obviously but it's also not all that funny. There's the one scene where the boys are signing karaoke and Zinyak, that's decent but that's all I really remember in this game that's supposed to be filled with jokes. Some sections are pretty creative presentation-wise but never once did I find myself caring at all about the overall plot.

In terms of gameplay, as I said, this game can get creative sometimes and there's a whole myriad of different simulation-like areas you'll be taking on. Wait, there isn't? Oh, this game needed to be rushed out because every company involved is on the verge of bankruptcy? Okay, well in that case, here's a few simulation-based areas you'll be replaying over and over again to artificially extend the game's length! At least the game can be played entirely in co-op so you can suffer along with a friend... The Johnny Gat beat-em-up style mission is cool, that's all that's really memorable gameplay-wise, even the final boss is forgettable. Wait, every boss is forgettable now that I think about it, why is that... Right! Not only are half of the bosses in this game reskins of each other but this game is so incredibly mindnumbingly easy that you'll beat and forget them within a few minuets at most. I wouldn't take too much issue with the easy difficulty if it were fun but do you think It's even remotely fun? No. The power crutch with the superpowers is so insane that you'd basically have to lobotomize yourself to have any issues after getting them. But you know what, FUCK THE POWERS. This game has a COPIOUS amount of DLC, so let's take advantage of it, actually, let's take advantage of just one. One of the million DLCs adds a weapon called the 'Merica, it's a patriotic weapon that combines the likes of a grenade/rocket launcher and a flamethrower. Guess what? This is the most overpowered weapon in the entire game by far and possibly the most overpowered weapon I've used in a third person open world title. Set the gun to rocket mode, max out the ammo in the thing, it carries quite a bit and ammo is cheap + this game gives you way too much money and you will never need to think ever again when playing this game. If you use the 'Merica you can beat every boss in this game, I'm not joking, in under 30 seconds, not including the time it takes for them to change phases. It doesn't matter whether they're early or late game, you can melt them with ease. As if this game needed to be easier. The rest of the game is doing the same three menial minigames with slight variations for ten hours until you've either made it to the end or uninstalled the game. There's nothing of note to talk about and you might as well just 'Merica your way past it because god knows they aren't fun anyways and considering how rushed this game was, there's tons of glitches too, so the faster you get out, the less chance you have of needing to deal with them.

Did you know they tried selling a version of this game for 1 million dollars? The "Super Dangerous Wad Wad edition" An edition of the game that came with a car, an "IRL Dubstep gun" and some other useless crap. People did the math and everything included was only worth about ~$600K and so, nobody bought it. Pathetic.

In conclusion, fuck this game. Shitty circumstances that made a shitty game in an already shitty franchise full of shitters. Recently, Volition went under and it's not nice to see that happen considering its a company full of real human beings with real lives who will now be losing their real jobs. But it begs the question, was there any avoiding that fate? This is where I stopped playing the Saints Row games but from what I hear they get SEVERELY worse from this point out. Volition went on to make Saints Row Gat of Hell (2.4) after this, Agents of Mayhem (2.3) and of course the infamous recent Saints Row reboot (2.0). If somehow Saints Row IV was the best game you've made in 10+ years and all you continue to do is feed into the same garbage that was giving you commercial failure after commercial failure, refusing to learn from your mistakes it's only a matter of time before the company calls it quits for good. I'm not happy Volition recently went under, I'd rather there be more game studios than less, but with games like these, wasn't it inevitable?

This is my Fate/stay night.

(Played on Hard)

Disgusting porn game that mocks european culture and spawned one of the most horrendous franchises ever made