Fun to pick up and try some attempts every now and then. Very RNG heavy, but enjoyable to learn. Sometimes leans into being more of a "story" game then a fair city builder with events that lower hope/raise discontent due to story, which isn't a bad thing, but can be frustrating on replays or on higher difficulties. Still a great aesthetic and challenge, looking forward to 2 and maybe someday doing the other scenarios than just the default one :^)

Cute, and with a lot of really fun interactions you can find by forcing certain events. I feel like if I paid full price for this as a kid I'd be horribly disappointed by the short playtime of the "main" story, but there are reasons to play more, be it getting higher scores of certain mon or doing some of the challenge modes. Nowadays that short playtime feels very nice.

More enjoyable than I thought it would be. The kind of game that had me thinking about all the little details of who was when and where and how things could work. All around a remarkably enjoyable story game, if not a overall much too easy puzzle games (give or take a couple annoying spots). Voice acting was all fantastic, presentation was great, the mansion started to become a very familiar feeling location after not too long, and it gave off all the right vibes. The music isn't the strongest but it has some tracks that really helped the mood. I've yet to play the original DS version but knowing that some stuff is different I absolutely will now.

Disclaimer, kickstarter backer + in the game an extra time for winning a speedrun competition.
An imperfect but all around fantastic metroidvania that very blatantly uses mechanics and ideas from games such as Hollow Knight, Nier Automata, Axiom Verge etc to very good effect. It's a hard game, and very much not for people who haven't already played a fair amount of similar titles, but I still have greatly enjoyed my time with it and will enjoy speedrunning it more in the future. I hope the dev learns from this release and makes more games, and hopefully either removes story aspects entirley or greatly improves on them. Or maybe just get someone else. Seriously, the story in this game is not worth your time.

I'd like to make a longer form video review on this at some point in the future, but figure I'll just leave this here for now.

Another crack game for me. Maybe it's just early meta game, but towns can be very slow, and being cucked out of the exact buildings you need is really really painful much too often, but as someone who really loves to play town builders for the first 20 hours at most and then leave, this is absolutely perfect for me. It's very easy to hop into and deep dive just from what the game teaches you, even if the tutorial missions are kinda dooky. Big comfy kinda game. Never streaming it again if I can help myself but will probably play on my own time.

A frustrating but overall enjoyable 3D platformer. Frustrating more so for bugs and oddities then anything else, the actual movement and physics behind the movement and moveset are amazing and feel great when they work, but early on in the game's release there were things tied to frame rate among other stupid issues. That's gotten better since, but there are still times you just get stuck in the terrain and the like.
Regardless, one of the best 3D platformers I've played in a while. Great soundtrack and presentation too, I do not understand why people are grossed out or whatever by Penny, she's cute.

A fantastic concept with a fantastic art style and music. Solving 3 fates just to see the game confirm your guesses along with the musical stings is such a great feeling. That being said there were MANY fates that were obnoxious to put together, and a lot of instances of induction rather then deduction, which is just inevitable with this concept. Sad that there was never a follow up to this concept and no game seemingly inspired by this.

This game is obtuse, poorly translated, poorly maintained, sometimes frustrating, often kinda tedious, and it's absolute crack to me. Something about deep diving wiki's and guides to figure the game out like I'm learning a new language in order to make big numbers go up and become powerful really really really rubs me the right way, and it's way too damn dangerous for me. I have had 20 hour play sessions because I get so sucked in. If you think you'd enjoy this game, beware. Otherwise not an easy game to rec given the large barrier to even understand the game, but man if it isn't something special to me.