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October 9, 2021

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Amnesia: Rebirth does some cool things, but also irks me other ways. It has some dope ass visuals, it can be tenser than previous Amnesia entries, and the lore is kind of cool; but i think it runs a little long (making it a little more frustrating), and the sanity system is disappointing.

Yeah for one, this game puts stunning visuals in front of you. The vast desert (also with sundown), run down adobe fort, an entire ancient alien empire that is somewhat still running but very much decayed, and a gigantic tower with tubes running into it with the face of a once powerful queen on the top. Thats not even the extent of the cool shit you see, they just went ham with visual ideas in this game.

Once I started noticing they were trying to explain lore that was present in Dark Descent, but not really too elaborated on I was kind of suspicious about it. I was expecting the worse of a series coming back years later and explaining stuff that did NOT need to be explained at all. The Dark Descent introduces these ideas of orbs, the Shadow, vitae, torture, and an other world. When I first started seeing the word "vitae" and started seeing other world stuff I was thinking that this was just here so it could tie itself to the first game, just shiny words to make you remember. Rebirth, however, did explore these with much more depth. The Shadow is very much a cosmic horror thing that should not really be explained too much, and thankfully they don't, the only real lore they add to it is has destroyed an entire civilization (makes sense). The vitae and the other world were expanded in such a cool way that it makes Dark Descent a little cooler.

I do feel quite slighted by the promise of more involved sanity system however. Maybe it is me setting higher expectations, but before the game released they said that sanity would be more involved and have long running consequences (it says that early in the game.) I think the only long running consequence is your model will look slightly more ghoulish with each "fail state," and that is such a disappointment to me. It doesn't affect endings, it doesn't affect gameplay, again, maybe i was expecting too much, but I imagining something cooler. I mean, in Dark Descent, having low sanity makes you hear things, hallucinate enemies, and even changes some enviromental stuff. Rebirth does tie sanity to you narratively through your illness, and makes enemies detect you more (Dark Descent also does this), but thats it.

So yeah, its a good game with some weird things to me and super fucking dope ancient alien shit